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Identifying a Conjunction as

Subordinating or Co-ordinating
SPaG Grammar Quiz
Which Conjunction?

Select which type of conjunction

each sentence uses.

Yay! You’re right!

Oops, looks like you need more practice.

I was late today because of
an accident on the roads.

subordinating co-ordinating
I really wish I could but I
have to clean my room.

subordinating co-ordinating
I can’t go to hockey training
as I have injured my leg.

subordinating co-ordinating
I really dislike going to the
dentist but I have to do it.

subordinating co-ordinating
Since you are the winner,
you can have the trophy.

subordinating co-ordinating
I must start to tidy my bedroom before
my mum gets home.

subordinating co-ordinating
Spiders keep the fly population under
control yet people dislike them.

subordinating co-ordinating
I’m not too keen on turkey
but I will eat it if I must.

subordinating co-ordinating
I love eating sugary sweets
although they’re bad for me.

subordinating co-ordinating
The road workers dug a huge hole
and then they went for some lunch.

subordinating co-ordinating

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