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DNA + The Genome

Do Now:

Compare mitosis and meiosis (6

          meiosis                            mitosis
•           sexual                               asexual
•           gametes                            growth
one mark for each of the following
•           ovary or testes                  all other cells
comparisons to a maximum of 6 •           half number                       same number
of chromsomes                  of chromosomes
candidates must make a clear
comparison •           haploid or                         diploid or
23 chromosomes               46 chromosomes
•           reassortment or                 no reassortment
variation possible                or no variation
or not identical                   or identical
•           4 cells produced                2 cells produced
•           2 divisions                         1 division
Put your hands up if…

You have dimples

Put your hands up if…

You can roll your tongue

Put your hands up if…

You have attached ear lobes

Put your hands up if…

You have hitch-hiker’s thumb

What causes all of these

Complete your worksheet on DNA, Genes and Chromosomes

1. Select the correct key word to match the definition

2. Add the key words (and some extras) to label the diagram
Key Term Definition
Coiled threads of DNA found in all cells
A section of DNA that codes for a characteristic

Deoxyribonucleic acid. The instruction manual for protein production

The organelle in which DNA is stored inside a cell

 Double helix
The structure of a DNA molecule. Two strands that wind around each
other like a twisted ladder
Complete set of genetic material in an organism
Check Nucleus



Base pairs
• DNA is made up of two strands that coil
around each other like a twisted ladder

• The strands are joined in the middle by

base pairs

• This shape is called a double helix

Task: Fill in the Blanks
• The _____________ nucleusof a cell is composed of a
material in the ___________
chemical called DNA.

• DNA is a polymer made up of _______ strands forming a ________________.
double helix

• The DNA is contained in structures called ______________.

What is a gene?

A small section of DNA on a


Each gene codes for a particular

The Genome
• The genome of an organism is the entire genetic material of that

• The whole human genome has now been studied and this will have
great importance for medicine in the future.

Why is studying the

human genome
The Genome Project
Task: Advantages Disadvantages

Can you think of any ethical

issues with the Human Genome

• Create a table of advantages

and disadvantages of the
human genome project.
Potential Disadvantages
• People may be put under undue pressure to not have children or
terminate pregnancies
• Increases pressure for germ line therapy to prevent children inheriting
genetic conditions
• Embryo has no choice/say in the matter
• May lead to discrimination with jobs
• May lead to serious issues with insurance (life/medical/car etc.)
• May lead to ‘designer babies’ with selection for specific
fashionable/on a whim characteristics

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