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Penyusun :


- Using ‘Have/has’ for health condition
Modul 9

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Healthy Foods
Rara and her mother go to a restaurant to have a lunch
together. There are many kinds of food on the table,
Rara : what’s that, mom ?
Mom : oh, that’s carrot. It contains vitamin A.
it is good for our eyes
Rara : what about eggs, mom? What do eggs
contain ?
Mom : eggs contain a lot of protein. They are
good to keep our stamina up. You should
eat this egg.
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut !

1. Where did Rara and her mother go ?

jawab : Rara and her mother go to a restaurant

2. What contain vitamin A?

jawab : carrot

3. What contain in the eggs?

jawab : eggs contain a lot of protein
Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat

1. An Orange contains…………….
a. Vitamin A b. calcium c. vitamin C

2. A glass of milk contains……………

b. Calcium b. carbohydrate c. vitamin A

3. A potato contains……..
c. Carbohydrate b. vitamin C c. protein

4. Carrots contain……
d. Calcium b. protein c. vitamin A

5. A fish contains……….
a. Vitamin B b. protein c. calcium

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