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The study or use of the rules about how words change their 

form and combine with other words to express meaning
What is a Noun? noun (noun): a word (except a pronoun) that
identifies a person, place or thing, or names one of them (proper
noun) A noun is a word that
names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. In a
sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect
object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or
A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer
to either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need
to be named specifically. A pronoun is defined as a word or
phrase that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase, which is known as
the pronoun’s antecedent. Pronouns are short words and can do everything that
nouns can do and are one of the building blocks of a sentence. Common pronouns
are he, she, you, me, I, we, us, this, them, that. A pronoun can act as a subject,
direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition, and more and takes the
place of any person, place, animal or thing. So coffee become
The definite article is the word the. It limits the meaning of a
noun to one particular thing. For example, your friend might
ask, “Are you going to the party this weekend?” The definite
article tells you that your friend is referring to a specific
party that both of you know about. The definite article can
be used with singular, plural, or uncountable nouns. In
English, both "the" and "a/an" are articles, which combine
with nouns to form noun phrases. Articles typically specify
the grammatical definiteness of the noun phrase, but in many
languages, they carry additional grammatical information
such as gender, number, and case. Articles are part
Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words,
making your writing and speaking much more specific, and a
whole lot more interesting. Words like small, blue, and sharp are
descriptive, and they are all examples of adjectives. Because
adjectives are used to identify or quantify individual people and
unique things, they are usually positioned before the noun or
pronoun that they modify. Some sentences contain multiple


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