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Student Name

General Instructions

• Each team needs to submit an executive summary in a 2-slider PPT format.

• The first slide should contain the team name and name of the members, and the remaining slides (up to 2) are for analysis or
deliverables to the problem at hand. Any supporting Excel sheets etc. should be embedded in the PPT itself.
• The appendix can be put beyond these 2 slides as the last slide. References (if any) should be given due credits.
• Naming Convention: TeamName_CampusName_APC22
• Text specifications are to be as follows:
• The font size for any text body must be Arial size 16.
• Titles on slides must be Arial bold size 24.
• Subheadings, if used, must be Arial bold size 18.
• Any charts or graphs that are used may be Arial Font Size 16.

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