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Cultural Values and Work


Chapter 7
It is composed of human aspects of productivity.
Ethical or professional skills are essential in the
workplace but a company and its employees cannot
rely on these skills done if they are to measure up to
the full demands of being effective and responsible
Work Values that serve as the foundation for productivity as prescribed in a TESDA handbook
are listed below:
1. Industriousness – this refers to sincerity, seriousness, diligence and perseverance in one’s
2. Order and Efficient use of time – this means being systematic, organized and punctual.
3. Spirit of inventiveness and sense of responsibility. – These refer to being self – reliant,
resourceful, dependable, and accountable.
4. Teamwork and spirit of service – this is the manifest cooperation, collaboration,
solidarity, and unity.
5. Professionalism – this refers to expertise, skill, and proficiency.
Better Attitudes and Motivations to Work

Productivity is the outcome of human work. It is the result of

man’s ability, desire and effort to do things with greater

Acquisition of Material Rewards

People work to earn money, to own a car and a house live a

comfortable life upon retirement and have financial security.

Return to Spirituality

Man is composed of body, soul, and spirit. When man works, he

works as a complete person made up of body, soul, and spirit.
1. Position work station in the direct view of a supervisor.
2. Assign each employee more work than he/she can complete
in a one day.
3. Have one person handle chores that require leaving the
4. Arrange the workflow so that a break will readily be noticed.
5. Keep areas in which employees congregate under
management observation.
The Filipinos Cultural Values
Much has been written about Philippine cultural values.
Filipino workers have been noted for their strong cultural values
although they are known for their receptiveness to foreign
Filipino values are given emphasis in the culture and radiation
of the Filipino “ ugaling Pilipino or ugaling Pinoy”.
Strengths of the Filipino Character
1. Pakikipagkapwa Tao
This refers to pakikiramay or to the Filipino’s ability to empathize with others.

2. Family Orientation
Concern for the family is shown by the Filipinos’ high regard accorded to the elderly, the care given to woman and children.

3. Sense of Humor
The Filipinos’ sense of humor is shown in his ability to laugh even at the worst circumstances.

4. Flexibility, Adaptability, Creativitya It is a significant number of Filipino workers have proven their resiliency and great
capacity to adapt to foreign environments.

5. Hard work or Industry

As Filipino traits is considered superior to most nations.

6. Spirituality
A strong moral conscience. Workers maintain their motivation to work by God’s unending mercy.

7. Ability to survive
The ability to survive and to live through the most challenging economic and political situations.
Weaknesses of the Filipino Character
1. Extreme Personalism – this is manifested in the tendency to give personal interpretations to sections such as
“pakiusap” (request), “palakasan” (power and influence).

2. Extreme Family Centeredness – Political dynasties, “compadreism”, kamag anak incorporated are conspicuous
manifestations of the dysfunctional Filipino value in the workplace.

3. Lack of Discipline – is considered as poor time management.

4. Colonial Mentality – is made up two dimensions: lack of patriotism, and an actual preference for foreign things
like fashion.

5. Kanya – Kanya Syndrome – is related to the so – called “crab mentality”.

6. Lack of self – analysis and self-reflection – the Filipinos’ emphasis on form rather than substance mislead them
into believing that impossible things can be.
The Filipino Values for Today
1. Truth, Love, and Faith
As a human being, one must always seek the truth to live up in conformity with the duty
accepted norms of society and to what is righteous within the context of eternal principles of right.

2. Integrity
Integrity and honesty are the wholeness of a man’s moral nature, which means he is sound.

3. Hard work
Filipinos are hardworking and industrious given the right conditions and motivations.

4. Social Justice
This is impartiality in dealing with other people.

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