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Reward System Template

The little bunny loves carrots. T can draw a carrot in the blank when the S answers correctly or needs to be rewarded.
Reward System Template

There are no wheels on the train. T can draw a wheel when the S answers correctly or needs to be rewarded. T can also mimic the sound “Whoo! Whoo!” to make it funny.
Reward system template

Steal eggs. T can draw an egg in the basket when the S answers correctly or needs to be rewarded. T can also mimic the chicken sound to make it funny . Help the student to
get all 5 eggs.
Reward system template

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The 5 kids are waiting to get on the Ferris wheel. T can draw a kid in the Ferris wheel when the S answers correctly or needs to be rewarded. T can also make the student the
last one to get on the Ferris wheel.
Reward system template

Decorate the pizza. T can draw some food (pepperoni, sliced green pepper and mushrooms, etc.) on each piece of pizza when the S answers correctly or needs to be
Reward system template

BBQ party. T can draw some meat on the stick ( skewer) when the S answers correctly or needs to be rewarded.
Reward system template

Whack the mole. T can draw a cross to block off a hole when the S answers correctly or needs to be rewarded. S will whack the mole when all holes are covered.

Reward system template

Claw machine. T can draw a bear for the S when he/she answers correctly or needs to be rewarded. T can also act out that the bear is from the machine.

Reward system template

Win the trophy. T will draw an award for the S when he/she answers correctly or needs to be rewarded. T will draw an award for Junior when the S is wrong. The one who
finishes 5 awards will win the trophy.
Reward system template

Car race. T will have a race with the student and it takes 5 steps to get to the finish line. T will tick in each cell for the S when he/she answers correctly or needs to be
rewarded. And T will tick for yourself when the student is wrong.

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