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The Effectiveness of
Application of
Coconut milk in
Different Type of
Gamboa, Archie V.
Flores Andrea
Suarez Roann G.
Soriano, Sandy Joy D.
Rationale of the study
• Hair that is smooth, shiny, and has clean-cut ends or tapered tips is
typically thought to be healthy. The integrity of hair ends is related to the
hair cortex, but hair texture and shine are related to hair surface qualities.
The inherent variances in our hair which might be straight wavy or curly,
blonde, black, brown, red or white, are crucial to our identity.
• Despite the inherent safety of cosmetic operations, Hair damage is a
possibility. People who frequently change their natural hairstyle or have
hair that is chemically processed frequently experience loss of luster,
frizz, split ends, and other hair concerns your hair can let you and your
doctor know whether you're stressed, malnutritional deficiency, a thyroid
problem, or other health issues.

Possible benefits include:
• Lice prevention.
• Sun protection.
• Dandruff treatment.
• Hair loss prevention.

• To investigate the effects of applying coconut
milk to different type of hair
• To identify which type of hair will be mostly
benefited by coconut milk.


The study will be conducted to Anao High School and Senior

High School located at San Francisco East, Anao Tarlac



Experimental Design
and Treatment
The study will be conducted with 25 subjects or sample
considering the five different type of hair namely Dry hair, Fine
hair, Normal or Natural hair, Oily hair and Combination hair. The
sample will be assigned into five group each group consist of five

Group Descriptions

Group 1 – Normal Hair

Is shiny, not greasy nor dry, has not been permed or
colored, easy to manage and looks good most of the time.
It is ideally suited to the daily use of two-in-one normal
hair response well to regular brushing, smoothing and

Group 2 – Oily Hair
Looks dull and greasy and needs frequent

Group 3- Dry Hair

Tangles easily and difficult to comb or brush particularly
when wet. It looks dull and has no appeal. It is thick at the
root but thinner and split at the ends

Group 4- Combination Hair

Is extremely greasy at the roots but dry and

sometimes split at the ends
Group 5- Fined Hair
Looks flat because of its small size and volume prone to
damage because of its lack of elasticity appears limp, and
tends to be sensitive. This is difficult to style because it does
not hold the hairstyle in place. This type of hair is hereditary

Preparation of the treatment

Tools and Equipment Explanation 

Coconut milk is one of the most needed in our

research because it is beautiful in hair. Coconut milk is
1.Coconut milk
one of the most crucial things we need to do because
it's wonderful in hair.

2 Tinting combs To avoid detangles.

3.Wide-tooth comb Easy to comb.

4.Hair clips For sectioning of the hair.

5.Shoulder cape So that client does not get wet when coconut milk is applied.

6.Towels So that client does not get wet when coconut milk is applied.
Preparation of the coconut milk
Preparations Explanation

1.Protect the client with a gown, towel,

To avoid leakage.
and plastic cape secured with a section clip.

2. Seat the client at the workstation For the client to feel comfortable.

3. The hair should be sectioned into four

So that it doesn’t get tangled and
(like a hot-cross bun),
you won’t have hard time when you put coconut milk.
secure each section with sectioning clip

4. Prepare a tiny bowl with a small

So that it can be done with coconut oil and
amount of coconut milk
not be wet when we put it on the client’s hair.
and another much larger bowl filled with hot water

5. Do not shampoo the hair as his procedure

is carried out on dry hair
To prevent dry hair.
Application of the Treatment

Applications Explanation

1.Heat up a few tablespoons of coconut milk by pouring them Heat the coconut milk for extentently
bottle, then placing it in larger bowl filled with hot water. create a coconut oil for basic applying

2.Roll a small length of cotton wool into a circular pad and test
For our client scalp, we need to check the
the temperature of the oil. Check the temperature with the client
correct temperature of the coconut milk so our client scalp does
the heat is tolerable enough; apply the warm oil to the scalp hair
not burned up
using the cotton wool pad.

3. Place the completed section away from the client’s face and
take a new section directly underneath. Continue this sprocedure For the finished section does not mixed up
until all the hair has been covered with oil.

4. Start the scalp massage routine using effleurage movements For relaxzation of client for good circulation of blood.
Application of the Treatment

Applications Explanation

5. Continue massage routine using petrissage movements Continue the massaging of scalp

6. When the scalp massage is complete, you may use the heat   For the next category we need to use the hot  water for more
of hot for this treatment application of a few hot towels. relaxing treatment.

7. Fold towel lengthways, in half and then lengthways again.

Thoroughly wet the towel with hot water at the basin. For the scalp relaxing and to give scalp satisfactions.
Carefully wring out the towel as much as possible.

8. Check he temperature of the towel on your wrist before

applying it to the client if the temperature is satisfactory and, Temperatures need to be checked to keep the scalp warm
if so, wrap the towel on the top of the head
Application of the Treatment

Applications Explanation

9. Leave the towel on the hair for approximately two

Repeat the process to reheat the cloth with hot water if
minutes or until the towel has cooled. Remove cold towel
and repeat the procedure with the remaining towels

10. Apply shampoo and massage using rotary movements to

For the clients hair moisturize to be come smooth and remove
emulsify the oil thoroughly before adding any water to the
excise dandruff
hair. Repeat the shampooing process.
Application of the Treatment

Test for Hair Elasticity

• Take a strand of wet hair and hold it at the mid-length or

roots. This will prevent pulling at the roots.
• Gently stretch the strand.

• If hair doesn’t fall back into shape or if it breaks, hair

elasticity is low

Statistical Treatment
All data gathered will be analyzed using analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of
the randomized a Complete Block Design (RCBD). Treatment means is to
be compared using Microsoft Excel Data analysis tool pack


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