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Windows 2011

By: Jyllian Kaira H. Bucog

A window is an opening on the wall of a building or
house to let the air and light come in. It lets you see
the inside and outside part of the room. A
computer has a window too. It is a window that
is allows you to do many things with the computer.
This window is called Microsoft (MS) Window. A
computer is like a car that needs a key to start.
Without a key the car will never start. So, for us to
run the computer, we also need a key. The
Operating System serves as the key to start the
computer. A very popular operating system is
Staring Windows…
To start Windows 2011, the only things
that you should do is to turn on the
computer. When you press the power
switch, the Windows Desktop will
• Microsoft Windows was designed to be
USIN used with a mouse. Most windows
operations can be controlled using the
G keyboard – but the mouse allows the
THE user to control the computer easily.
• There are four mouse actions that
MOU make MS Windows easy to use: Point,
SE Click, Double Click and Drag.

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