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Hi Tom good afternoon! Just to let you know that tomorrow is the exhibition of projects
at school, I will video call for you to see, I will take photos and send them to you. Today
the assembling/ laying out of everything is done. I have sent for a plaque in Bronze with
the names of the founders of the British Guatemalan Lyceum Your dad and Eduardo with
the flags to be made of each country. I have changed the mingitorios (urinals) of the
men's bathroom with a division between each one so that they do not see each other,
changed a part of the roof of the third level, it is no longer raining, but with so much rain
water has entered the chemistry laboratory, but it is little, I have to fix that.

Today I have to receive an award for the excellent with the best student of the school –
Alejandro Castro Ajalip from Third B we were invited to participate on behalf of the

We already have pre-registered students for the year 2023, there are I will send you
photos too.

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