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V E R S I O N 0 .

PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY @elsewedyelectric
What Is PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY? Safety P r e s e n t a t i o n2 0 2 1

psychological safety is the feeling and belief that you can

share your thoughts, opinions, and ideas freely without

fear of being degraded or shamed.

Furthermore, Psychological safety is thus about the

assurance that no team member will be humiliated,

laughed at, or punished for posing questions, speaking up

with ideas, concerns, or mistakes.

W W W . E L S E W E D Y E L E C T R I C . C O M
Causes of toxic work environment Safety P r e s e n t a t i o n2 0 2 1

1- Discrimination between employees, specifically giving preference to an

incompetent employee at the expense of an efficient employee .

2- Exposure to occupational bullying by colleagues or managers.

3- Overlapping work affairs with personal life.

4- Job insecurity due to instability or continuous threat of dismissal.

5- Dealing with a bossy and hot-tempered manager who does not respect the

employee and insults him with or without justification.

6- Being subjected to permanent and continuous criticism by those in charge at

work, without mentioning the employee's achievements and good productivity.

W W W . E L S E W E D Y E L E C T R I C . C O M
Warning signs that your workplace is not psychologically safe Safety P r e s e n t a t i o n2 0 2 1

People do
not feel
Low Employees do
employee not raise

Signs of
Informatio workplac Feedback
loops are
n is not
e non-

A few
No personal people
connections dominate

W W W . E L S E W E D Y E L E C T R I C . C O M
Why psychological safety is important at work? Safety P r e s e n t a t i o n2 0 2 1

Developing a psychologically Enhanced

safe work culture has many nt
Boosted Fosters an
benefits, including team inclusive
performan workplace
ce culture

Reduced encourage
employee s creativity
turnover and new

It creates

W W W . E L S E W E D Y E L E C T R I C . C O M
The 4 stages of psychological safety Safety P r e s e n t a t i o n2 0 2 1

• members feel safe to belong to the team. They are comfortable being present, do not feel
Inclusion excluded, and feel like they are wanted and appreciated.

• members are able to learn through asking questions. Team members here may be able to
Learner experiment, make (and admit) small mistakes, and ask for help.

• members feel safe to contribute their own ideas, without fear of embarrassment or ridicule.
This is a more challenging state, because volunteering your own ideas can increase the
safety psychosocial weakness of team members.

• members can question others’ (including those in authority) ideas or suggest significant
Challenger changes to ideas, plans, or ways of working or improvement.

W W W . E L S E W E D Y E L E C T R I C . C O M
How to foster psychological safety in your workplace Safety P r e s e n t a t i o n2 0 2 1

Here are eight tips to build psychological safety in the workplace:

1. Show your team you're engaged.

2. Let your team see you understand.

3. Avoid blaming to build trust.

4. Be self-aware—and demand the same from your team.

5. Nip negativity in the bud.

6. Include your team in decision making.

7. Be open to feedback.

8. Champion your team.

W W W . E L S E W E D Y E L E C T R I C . C O M
6 skills and actions leaders need to develop psychological safety among teams Safety P r e s e n t a t i o n2 0 2 1

1. Communication skills: practice active listening and curiosity

2. Conflict resolution skills: promote respect

3. Accountability: lead by example

4. Vulnerability: embrace the uncomfortable

5. Empathy: foster an open conversation (with a growth mindset)

6. Self-reflection: empower others from your place of privilege

W W W . E L S E W E D Y E L E C T R I C . C O M


W W W . E L S E W E D Y E L E C T R I C . C O M


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