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Healthy Food

Project created by Ivan Aliphanov

Important of healthy diet
Maybe, a lot of people don’t thinking about their diet. But is
very seriously, because it will
negative backwash in future. First off is fat, bad work of heart,
limbs, vessels and more organs.
You was had ugly look, bad mood, sickliness, and ect .
But don’t sorrowing, listen some advice and use it for change
your ration.
First advice for changes of ration
- First off, using less salt and sugar, maybe sometimes not adding on your
- Good variant is changing fruits instead of sugar
- Eating less roasted food, when food more roasted is more harmful
- Don’t accept fuzzy drinks and fast food. Is hasn’t good effects for your
- Try eating more homecooking dishes, You will now what you eating and
how it cook
- Eating more fresh food and dishes. It is will less chance of illing and more
good effects
And the last Pyramid of ration

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