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“I believe that as the methods of structural chemistry are further applied to

physiological problems, it will be found that the significance of the
hydrogen bond for physiology is greater than that of any other single
structural feature.”
–Linus Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 1939

Hydrogen bonding in ice.

In ice, each water molecule forms four
hydrogen bonds, the maximum
possible for a water molecule, creating
a regular crystal lattice. By contrast, in
liquid water at room temperature and
atmospheric pressure, each water
molecule hydrogen-bonds with an
average of 3.4 other water molecules.
This crystal lattice structure makes ice
less dense than liquid water, and thus
ice floats on liquid water.
Common H-bonds in Biological system

The hydrogen acceptor is usually oxygen or nitrogen;

The hydrogen donor is another electronegative atom.
Some Biologically Important H-bonds
H-bond Strength and Alignment
Water is especially effective in
screening the electrostatic
interactions between dissolved ions
because it has a high dielectric
constant, a physical property
reflecting the number of dipoles in a
solvent. The strength, or force (F),
of ionic interactions in a solution
depends upon the magnitude of the
charges, the distance between the
charged groups, and the dielectric
constant of the solvent in which the
interactions occur:
When an amphipathic compound is
mixed with water, the polar,
hydrophilic region interacts favorably
with the solvent and tends to
dissolve, but the nonpolar,
hydrophobic region tends to avoid
contact with the water (Fig). The
nonpolar regions of the molecules
cluster together to present the
smallest hydrophobic area to the
aqueous solvent, and the polar
regions are arranged to maximize
their interaction with the solvent
(Fig). These stable structures of
amphipathic compounds in water,
called micelles, may contain
hundreds or thousands of molecules.
The forces that hold the nonpolar
regions of the molecules together are
called hydrophobic interactions.
Micelle Formation
Hydrophobic Interactions

Hydrophobic interaction refers to the tendency of

nonpolar compounds to self-associate in an aqueous
environment. This self-association is driven neither by
mutual attraction nor by what are sometimes
incorrectly referred to as “hydrophobic bonds.” Self-
association arises from the need to minimize
energetically unfavorable interactions between
nonpolar groups and water.
Van der Waals interactions are weak interatomic
When two uncharged Van der Waals forces
atoms are brought very arise from attractions
close together, their between transient
surrounding electron dipoles generated by
clouds influence each the rapid movement of
other. electrons on all neutral
Random variations in the atoms. Significantly
positions of the electrons weaker than hydrogen
around one nucleus may bonds but potentially
create a transient electric extremely numerous,
dipole, which induces a van der Waals forces
transient, opposite decrease as the sixth
electric dipole in the power of the distance
nearby atom. The two separating atoms.
dipoles weakly attract Thus, they act over
each other, bringing two very short distances,
nuclei closer. typically 2–4 Å.

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