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Science 7

Learning Competencies:
 recognize that substances are classified
into elements and compounds.

 describe some properties of metals and

non- metals such as luster, malleability,
ductility and conductivity.
1 . Answer Gr 1 Worksheet –
Science Q 1- MELC 2- CLM
1 attached in the module.
Metals, Metalloids and Non-metals
Properties of Metals
• High luster (shiny).
• Metallic appearance.
• Usually solid at room temperature (except mercury).
• Good conductors of electricity and heat.
• High malleable and ductile.
• May have a high melting point.
• Readily lose electrons.
• Oxidize in air and seawater.
Metals, Metalloids and Non-metals
Properties of Non-Metals
• Non-metals have a dull appearance.
• Non-metals are usually brittle.
• These are bad conductors of electricity and heat.
• They are usually less dense.
• Non-metals have a low melting point.
• They tend to gain electrons in chemical reactions.
Metals, Metalloids and Non-metals
Properties of Metalloids
• Metalloids can be shiny or dull.
• They usually conduct electricity and heat.
• Metalloids are good semiconductors.
• They usually exist in several forms.
• Metalloids are ductile and malleable.
• They gain or lose electrons in chemical reactions.
2. Read and analyze the topic
about elements and
(refer to the given module pages
15- 16)
Pure Substances
• composed of one type of atom or molecule.
• is a form of matter that has a constant composition and properties that
are constant throughout the sample.

In chemistry, an element is a pure substance which cannot be broken

down by chemical means, consisting of atoms which have identical
numbers of protons in their atomic nuclei.

A compound is a substance that contains atoms of two or more different

elements, and these atoms are chemically joined. For example, water is
a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.
 is a material made up of two or more different
substances which are physically combined.

A homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the

composition is uniform throughout the mixture. 

A heterogeneous mixture is simply any mixture that is

not uniform in composition - it's a non-
uniform mixture of smaller constituent parts.
Periodic Table of Elements
•Consists of 118 elements

•Dmitri Mendeleev, Russian in

full Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev,
Russian chemist who developed the
periodic classification of the elements.
Periodic Table of Elements
• The chemical elements are divided into metals, metalloids and non –
metals. Metals are typically found on the left side of the periodic table
they are often conductive to electricity, malleable, shiny, and sometimes
magnetic. Aluminum, Iron, Copper, Gold, Mercury and Lead are
examples of metals.
• Non-metals are found on the right side of the periodic table (to the right
of the staircase), they are typically not conductive, not malleable, dull
(not shiny) and not magnetic. Examples of non-metals are carbon and
• Metalloids have some characteristics of metals and some
characteristics of non-metals. Silicon and arsenic are examples of
3. Answer Learning Task
No. 1
(Refer to the given module on page 17)
Learning Task No. 1. Study the Periodic Table of
elements as shown in the diagram above. Write twenty
elements and their symbols on your paper.
1. Calcium Ca 12.
2. Oxygen O 13.
3. 14.
4, 15.
5. 16.
6. 17.
7. 18.
8. 19.
9. 20.
10. 21.
11. 22
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