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Reasons and analysis

‘Thinking Tool’

‘Thinking tool’

Part 1. Are the reasons acceptable?

This may involve evaluating factual claims, definitions and value judgments
and judging the credibility of a source
‘Thinking Tool’: Analysis

(B) What is assumed ; i.e. implicit or taken for granted, perhaps in

the Context

(C) Clarify the meaning (claims or arguments) as needed

Men make better leaders than women

Reasons against
Reasons for

Reasons against
Reasons for
Are these reasons true/acceptable?

• Men, much more than women, have been in power

• Men are strong and decisive

• Men are natural leaders

‘Thinking Tool’: Evaluation

2. Does the reasoning support its conclusions?

Is the support strong or weak

Thinking about reasons -

Men, much more than women, have been in power

So ‘Men make better leaders than women’

Thinking about reasons -

Men are strong and decisive

So ‘Men make better leaders than women’

Thinking about reasons -

Men are natural leaders

So ‘Men make better leaders than women’

Thinking Map’: Evaluation

3. Are there other relevant considerations/arguments which are left out?

Thinking Map’: Evaluation

“Men, much more than women, have been in power”

Can you think of something that strengthens or weakens that statement?

Men make better leaders
than women

Men, much more than women, Women have had fewer opportunities
have been in power to gain power

Men are natural leaders Men are naturally aggressive, look what they
do when they have power.
Men make better leaders
than women


Young people should have more power
within the family home But…

The Education System in Vietnam isn’t
working and must change But…

Women and men should be paid equally


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