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Communication skills

Communication skills are abilities you use when
giving and receiving different kinds of information.
Some examples include communicating ideas,
feelings or what’s happening around you.
Communication skills involve listening, speaking,
observing and empathizing.
Types of communication skills:

• Verbal communication
• Nonverbal communication
• Emotional Intelligence
• Visual communication
• Asking Good Questions
• Open Mindedness
• Friendliness
• Confidence
Verbal communication:

When messages or information is exchanged or communicated

through words is called verbal communication. Verbal
communication may be two types: written and oral communication.
Verbal communication takes place through face-to-face
conversations, group discussions, counseling, interview, radio,
television, calls, memos, letters, reports, notes, email etc.
Nonverbal communication:
 Any communication made between two or more persons through the
use of facial expressions, hand movements, body language, postures,
and gestures is called as non-verbal communication.
Emotional Intelligence:
Motional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and
manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve
stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others,
overcome challenges and defuse conflict. In other words,
they can influence the emotions of other people also. 
Visual communication:
The expression of ideas and information using visual
forms. Body language including gestures are part of
such communication. Presentations may also included
photographs, charts, graphs, and diagrams to enforce or
demonstrate ideas or data.
Asking Good Questions:
Good questions can help conversations flow and improve the
outcome. During a conversation, always aim to ask open-ended
questions. These are questions with prompts which encourage the
recipient to speak about certain points and they require more
detailed responses.
Open Mindedness:

Try to enter into communications without

having an agenda. Strong communications
require an open mind and a commitment to
understanding other people’s points of
 Friendliness refers to the ability to put up a
warm personality that makes you
approachable, easy to relate with and without
any hostility. Aside being warm and devoid of
hostility, a friendly person is someone who
has a great level of respect for others.
Friendliness is more of a character than
a skill.
Confidence comes from feelings of
well-being, acceptance of your body
and mind and belief in your own
ability, skills and
experience. Confidence is an
attribute that most people would like
to possess.

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