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Growth and


The term ‘Growth’ refers to physical changes of an individual Development refers to overall changes in a physical organ or the
1. like an increase in height, size, length, weight, etc. structure that results in improved functioning of the physical organ.

Development is overall, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, moral, or

2. Growth is in purely physical sense. any other.

3. Growth is only a part of the developmental process. Development is a complex and comprehensive process.

Growth is limited to a certain age it stops when maturity has Development is a continuous process starting from the time of
4. been attained. conception and continuing until the end of life (Womb to Tomb).

Changes produced by growth can be observed and measured Developmental changes that result in improved behaviour or functioning
5. directly. cannot be measured directly.

Growth focuses only on one aspect i.e. increase in a child’s Development focuses on various aspects like interpersonal skills, and
6. body size. intelligence.

7. Growth is an external process. Development is both internal and external process.

8. Growth is structural. Development is considered a functional.

9. Growth is influenced by the development. Development is independent it does not depend upon growth.
Care During
1. Pregnancy is the period of gestation which starts with the conception through
development of the fetus and lasts till birth. Gestation period of a normal woman is 9
months or 40 weeks or 280 days.
2. Normal gestation period has three trimesters, first one has conception and maximum
chances of miscarriage, second trimester has movement of the baby and growth of
his different body parts, third or last trimester is known for birth of the baby.
3. Care during pregnancy is important for the proper growth and development of the baby.
Prenatal care helps to reduce or prevent adverse outcomes during whole pregnancy.
Poor prenatal care leads to low birth weight babies, pre-mature babies, neonatal
mortality, delivery complications etc.
Prenatal Development
1. Germinal Period: First two weeks after fertilization. Zygote moves down to the uterus and
begin to implant in the lining. Placenta and Umbilical Cord also begin to develop.

2. Embryonic Period: Period from 2 to 8 weeks from fertilization during which the major organs
and structures of the organism develop. This is also called the critical period of development.
Embryo is 1 inch long and has primitive eyes, nose, lips, and little arms and legs as well as beating

3. Fetal Period: Period from 8 weeks to birth of the baby. Period of tremendous growth in the baby.
All the organs are developed by the end of this period. 38 weeks are considered as full term for
fetus. Most babies are born between 38th-40th week
Areas of Prenatal Care

1. Nutrition and diet

2. Clothing
3. Immunization
4. Hygiene
5. Physical exercise
6. Physiological changes
7. Psychological changes
Nutrition and Diet
1. Folic Acid- essential to prevent neural tube defects i.e. defects in baby’s brain and
spinal cord. Sources of folic acid are green leafy vegetables, beans, citrus fruits, cereals
2. Calcium- used in forming baby’s teeth, bones, nails etc. Food sources of calcium are
milk, yoghurt, cheese, some green leafy vegetables etc.
3. Iron- It helps to supply oxygen through blood cells to the baby and different body
parts. Sources of iron are meat, poultry, fish, beans and iron-fortified cereals.
4. Protein- It is a very essential macronutrient because it helps to build body tissues of
baby which then leads to growth of the fetus. Sources of protein are meat, poultry, fish,
eggs, beans, cereals, pulses etc.
1. Try to use natural fabrics or avoid synthetic fabrics to keep body at the
comfortable zone
2. She should wear clothes which provide support to baby bump or back.
For instance, belly belts are used to prevent backache
3. Neat and clean clothes help her to prevent from any type of infection
4. Always choose clothes with elastics, but make sure that shouldn’t be too
5. Try to have loose, light weight and easy to wear clothes like gowns,
maxi dresses, t-shirts etc.
 Vaccine against influenza: Pregnant women are usually at increased risk of having serious illness
so, it is always recommended to have influenza vaccination during pregnancy to avoid any type of
serious complications.
 Vaccine against Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis shot (Tdap): Vaccination against Tdap should be
received by the pregnant women nearly at 27-36th week of gestation in every pregnancy. Severe
complications of pneumonia and inflammation of brain is the resultant of this disease who won’t
get vaccinated.
 Hepatitis B: It is a viral infection which causes inflammation, nausea, fatigue and jaundice. In
some of the severe cases it may cause liver cancer and ultimately death. Pregnant women having
this disease can pass the infection to her baby during delivery so it is advised to get the mother
 Hepatitis A: This vaccine protects the baby from liver diseases which spreads through
contamination of food and water. Symptoms of this disease are fever, nausea or fatigue. Usually it
doesn’t affect the unborn baby but in rare cases, it may result into premature baby and infection.
1. Skin and hair hygiene: Skin and hairs are the very sensitive parts of body in pregnancy. Oil glands tend
to secret more oil which can be a cause to any infection. To keep them clean wash them properly and she
should try cosmetics made of natural things to avoid any type of reaction.
2. Oral hygiene: Dental hygiene is important because mother’s eating habits affects child as well. Change
in estrogen levels make teeth sensitive and leads to swelling of gums, in that case doctor’s advice is
necessary. Pregnant women should brush her teeth at least twice a day.
3. Hygienic clothes: Clothes are the foremost important thing which comes directly in contact to mother.
While choosing maternity clothes, she should go for the ones which has antibacterial properties and can
be easily washed with detergents.
4. Personal hygiene: Pregnant women should take care of her body and intimate regions clean to inhibit
growth of microorganisms. They should prefer natural soaps to keep vaginal area clean and helps to keep
a balanced ph.
5. Breast care: As mother have to keep her baby very close to breast while feeding after delivery, she
should keep her breasts hygienic and washed properly with water.
Physical Exercise

 Reduces back pain, swelling, bloating, constipation during entire pregnancy period.
 Prepares body for labor pain and delivery.
 Helps to prevent or reduce gestational diabetes.
 Enrich the body with energy and enthusiasm.
 Good sleep, healthy body posture, muscle tone, and body strength can also be achieved
with the help of exercise.
Psychological Changes
1. Psychological changes during first trimester results into fear and anxiety of loosing
baby. Body changes don’t appear during this period. These fears are natural at this time.

2. During second trimester of pregnancy, fear of losing their baby disappears, but due to
physical changes in mother’s body, her worries also continue to be there. One more
negative thought of having defects in baby, labor and birth appears during this stage.

3. Third trimester is the onset of anxiety towards birth of the baby. Physiological changes
at this time affect more and the fear of childbirth make mother more uncomfortable.
Excitement of baby’s arrival gives positive feelings.
Physiological Changes
1. Body changes are natural and expected such as backache, weight gain and fluid retention.
These changes are often uncomfortable but slightly normal as pregnancy progresses towards
2. Weight gain is only the noticeable symptom which appears during pregnancy as the fetus
size increases. It is important to gain normal weight during pregnancy for proper nourishment
and diet. Exercising regularly and balanced diet is the only way to healthy pregnancy.
3. Backache is one of the most uncomfortable body changes because it disturbs night sleep. To
get rid of back pain, exercise and yoga is recommended to expectant mothers.
4. Pregnancy is the most sensitive period of life; body retains more fluid at this time. Swelling
of hands, feet, ankle occurs mainly. Wearing comfortable shoes, avoid standing for long
hours is the prevention of this condition.
5. Itching during pregnancy occurs on belly, back and breast by leaving marks on that body
part after pregnancy. It should be avoided as possible or can use any anti stretch mark cream.

1. Grasping Reflex

2. Startle Reflex

3. Rooting Reflex

4. Stepping Reflex

5. Sucking Reflex
Depth Perception
 Way of responding emotionally and behaviorally to the changing environment. These
styles are well stablished at birth. Three basic temperament styles are identified:

i. Easy

ii. Difficult

iii. Slow to warm up

How does attachment develop?
Attachment Styles
 Emotional bond between an infant and the primary caregiver. It is an important
development in social and emotional life of the infant. It is usually formed within the
first six month of infant’s life.
 Mary Ainsworth designed a special experiment called “Stranger Situation” to measure
the attachment of an infant to caregiver.
Types of attachment styles

Secure Attachment Style

Avoidant Attachment Style

Ambivalent Attachment Style

Disoriented Attachment Style

Trust versus mistrust
1. Duration- Infant (Birth to 1 year old).

2. Developmental Crisis- Infants learn a basic sense of trust dependent upon how their
needs are met.

3. Successful Dealing with the Crisis- If baby’s basic needs are met, they develop a
sense of trust in people and expect those needs to be met in future.

4. Unsuccessful Dealing- If their basics needs are not met they develop a sense of
mistrust and do not expect their needs to be met in future.

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