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Year O n e - 21/22
South L o n d o n Listens is a partnership between
the NHS, Citi zens UK, L o c a l Authorities a n d 150
co mm u nit y organisati ons.

1 Introduction

2 Our year 2021-2022: In a snapshot

4 Taskforce a n d Advisors

5 Our story so far: Listening to Acti on

6 Our four priority areas

7 Digital Survey 2022: Key findings

9 How w e h a v e delivered against our pl edges

30 Accountability Assembly 2022

33 Recovering together: Our next steps

Emerging from the p a n d e m i c , South
L on do n Listens is b e i n g a s ke d to
respond to m a n y other challenges
South L o n d o n Listens (SLL) is a unique f a c i n g our communiti es.The cost-of-
partnership p r o g r a m m e that is built on living crisis is a d d i n g further strain o n the
the contributi ons of over 6,000 p e o p l e health a n d wellbeing of south
across south L o n d o n to help prevent a Londoners. But w e c a n ta ckle these
In N ove m ill-health
b e r 2021,crisis
w e al asu an c direct
h e d ourresult c ha ll e nge s together.
of Covid
South Lon- 19.
d on Listens Acti on Plan
setti ng out our shared commi tm ent to With the support of the charity Citizens
address the most signifi cant challenges UK a n d community leaders, w e will
fa c i n g lo cal communiti es. conti nue to e n g a g e in additi onal
rounds of listening to understand how
Over the past year w e h a v e b e e n w e c a n help m a ke a real diff erence
working towards delivering our two- for the communiti es they serve.
ye ar a cti on p l an c o - p r o d u c e d with
support from statutory, voluntary a n d Everyone att ending our Accountability
community organisati ons. Assembly in O c t o b e r 2022 committ ed
to supporti ng South Lo nd on Listens over
We are hugely proud of our d e d i c a t e d the c o m i n g fi ve years by:
partners w h o h a v e h e l p e d to c re a te a
n e w blueprint for working together to 1. Building a n d growing relationships,
build community resilience a n d trust a n d sharing power
improve mental health across south 2. Using community listening a n d
London. organising to d eve l op , test a n d
sca l e u p innovati ons a n d
In this report w e present highlights from interventions
the past year across our four priority 3. Addressing the social a n d
areas. This report is not a e c o n o m i c injustices that are
com prehensive refl ecti on of all exa c e r b ati n g mental ill health in
acti viti es but illustrates working South London
exam ples of acti ons, partnerships, a n d
i m p a c t at individual, community a n d Our focus remains o n delivering the
system-wide levels in South London. p l e d g e s w e h a v e m a d e to our
communiti es a n d evaluati ng the
We were delighted that in August, our i m p a c t of our work to build healthier
work wa s offi cially re cog ni se d as part a n d stronger communiti es.
of the Offi ce for Health Improvement
a n d Disparities Preventi on C o n c o rd a t To e ve r yo n e i nvol ved in South
for Better Mental Health. L o n d o n Listens s o far, t h ank you!

OUR YEAR 2021-2022

3 5 180
Community Community G P practi ces in south
E m b e d d e d Workers organisati ons h ave L o n d o n s i gn e d u p as
recruited for our pilot a Community a Safe Surgery to
in three boroughs E m b e d d e d Worker improve a c c e s s

5 7 2,638
Parent p ro g ra m m e s NHS trusts a n d primary South Londoners
delivered, with c a r e organisati ons received a p a y rise
positi ve i m p a c t on Living Wa g e through Living Wa g e
wellbeing accredited employers

30 147 500
South Londoners a n d
Be Well Hubs Be Well C h a m p i o n s
decision-makers at
l a u n c h e d to improve trained to provide
con n ec ti on a n d take well-b e i n g support our October 2022
acti on a n d to listen Accountability

“This is a c a m p a i g n that unites our community. Often, mental health
initiatives a re specifi c to certain areas, but this covers all of South
Lo ndo n, a n d I'm really pro ud to b e a part of it, b e c a u s e … w e ' r e
uniti ng the community, but we're als o referencing resources within
the community. A lot of p e o p l e aren't a wa r e of steps to take to get
support or treatment for their mental health.”

Alex Enahoro, a Be Well Mental Health C h a m p i o n a n d M e m b e r of St Luke’s

C h u r c h , Woods ide

South Lo nd on Listens is steered b y a Taskforce a n d a high-
level advisory b o a rd , which oversees a n d drives forward the
pro g ra m m e ’s strategy, workplans a n d projects. Membership
represents communi t y leaders, the NHS a n d l o ca l authorities.

Rev C a n o n Dr Sir Norman Lamb Ann Beasley CBE

Rosemarie Mallett Taskforce Co-chair, Chair Taskforce Co-chair, Chair of
Taskforce Co-chair, Bishop South London a n d Maudsley South West London a n d St
of Croydon NHS Foundation Trust George’s Mental Health NHS

Since June 2020, we have b e e n engaging the community an d healthcare
experts through three major digital summits, which gathered the views of over
3,000 people on the biggest mental health challenges communities f a c e around
Covid-19. In November 2020, we launched a four-month listening c am pai g n -
South London Listens - with our strategic partner Citizens UK, a national
community organising charity comprised of alliances of everyday people and
local institutions working together for the c om m on g o o d by challenging injustice
a n d building stronger communities.

The result was a d e e p an d extensive p i e c e of community-led mental health

listening a n d engagement. Over 300 community leaders were trained by
community organisers in Citizens UK to listen to others in their community. Through
their leadership, over 5,700 people actively e n g a g e d in the c am pai g n through
one-to-on e conversations, a n d in small group meetings on Zoom, sharing issues,
experiences, ideas an d solutions. A further 600 people took part in an online

Most importantly, we co-produced a range of solutions, a n d NHS a n d local

authority leaders ple dged to take action in partnership. Together we launched a
two-year action plan, which details our programme of work across four key
priorities alongside a series of asks from the community to the NHS a n d local
authorities m a d e at a Community Summit in June 2021. In the next part of this
document, we set out what we have achieved in response to these community
asks a n d what we aim to deliver over the coming year.

Our four key priorities a n d series of asks were
co- p r o d u c e d through soluti on workshops, bringing
together m e m b e rs of the communi t y a n d teams from
mental health trusts a n d l o ca l authorities.

Loneliness, social Work a n d w a g e s

isolati on a n d
digital inclusion

A c c e s s to mental
Children, y o u n g
health services for
people and
migrants, refugees
a n d di as po ra
mental health
communiti es

Following the South L ond on Listens c a m p a i g n in 2021, we
wa nted to re-run a short version of the Digital Listening
Survey to learn ho w things were, o n e ye a r on, in terms of
wellbeing a n d mental health. We highlight s o m e of the key
fi ndings from the online survey that wa s c o m p l e t e d b y 387
p e o p l e below.


The impact of the Covid-19 impact on the mental health a n d wellbeing has been
profound. The survey reveals that wellbeing across South London has improved in
the last year, but scores suggest that depression is still common.

Half of the respondents report wellbeing scores indicative of possible / mild

depression (13%; 41-44) or probable clinical depression (36%; < 41). The WEMWBS
m e an score of 43.8 is lower than general population samples in the UK (51.0), a n d
would b e considered on the lower range of “medium” wellbeing.

C o m p a r e d to survey c ond u ct e d in 2021, less respondents are currently accessing
some form of mental health. Two in five respondents is currently accessing some
form of support (39%), c om p are d to half of respondents in the last survey (50%).
However, it is unlikely that this driven by the improvement in wellbeing – the
percen tage of respondents reporting issues around accessing support has almost
doubled. Delays a n d a complete lack of treatment are common, and
respondents often d o not know where to go. These issues are widespread amon g
all a g e groups an d ethnic backgrounds.


Amidst the high levels of inflation, unsurprisingly, more respondents experience
issues around work a n d wages c om p are d to the last survey.

Many respondents are struggling to p ay their bills a n d half of respondents

experiencing issues with job Insecurity. These problems seem to b e particularly
prevalent am on g those of an ethnic minority background, who often also report
receiving low wage.

Three in five respondents struggle to p ay their bill (59%),

which is an increase from a third of respondents in the last
survey (34%).

The next secti on sets out what we h a v e a c h i e v e d in
response to these com muni ty asks a n d what we h o p e to
a c h i e v e over the next year.

Soci al restrictions, including What our communiti es a s ke d for
l o c a l a n d nati onal NHS a n d l o c a l authorities to do:
l ockdowns were a vital pillar
1.Support a n d resource a
of the publ i c health Mental Health C h a m p i o n s
strategies to target the programme

s p re a d of Covid- 19. But they 2.D ev e l o p a social

put a signifi cant strain o n the isolation, loneliness a n d digital
inclusion strategy in your
public’s mental health. borough

147 30 HUBS
Be Well Mental Health l a u n c h e d across South London, with 20 more
C h a m p i o n s trained e x p e c te d to l a u n c h b y the e n d of the year.


During 2022, w e h a v e worked in partnership with Citi zens UK a n d local
organisati ons across south Lon do n to set u p a n d l a u n c h our Be Well
prog ra m m e. Be Well hubs are safe s p a c e s for loca l p e o p l e to turn to when they
feel their mental health is low or simply wh e n they n e e d to feel more
c o n n e c t e d to their local community.

To a c c r e d i t as a Be Well Hub, mental health c h a m p i o n s are upskilled in both

mental health aware ness a n d community organising to help leaders listen
a n d a c t o n the barriers a n d systemic problems i m pa cti n g mental health.

Since our first Be Well Hubs training in January, over 140 mental health
c h a m p i o n s h a v e c o m p l e te d the mental health training. We h a v e also
a d a p t e d our training in Spanish so that twenty-six PAC T a n d E m p o d e ra n d o
Familias parents co u l d b e c o m e champions.

In June , w e l a u n c h e d the first of our hubs through in-person events in

Kingston, Southwark, Lambeth, a n d a n informati on event in Croyd on . We
also held a virtual eve nt cele brati ng the hubs launching there. Ch a m p i o n s
h a v e taken the l e a d to host events a n d acti viti es in their organisati ons from
co ff e e mornings to craft sessions, offering a safe s p a c e to talk a b o u t their
mental health a n d wellbeing. We also hold six-weekly supervision to g ui de
c h a m p i o n s in their work a n d provide tailored support a n d resources.

Over the c o m i n g months, w e will conti nue to build o n our work to further
c o n n e c t existing Hubs together to discuss lessons learned a n d share best
practi ces.

R e a d our
Be Well g

“One w o m a n told m e last we ek that she e nj o ye d the session so
m u c h that her children will s ay she’s a ne w person when she g o e s
ho m e . This is exactly the i m p ac t we’re setti ng out to h a v e – boosti ng
morale, co n fi d e n ce a n d supporti ng p e o p l e with their mental

Faiza Mulbocus, a Mental Health C h a m p i o n a n d A d v o c a t e at the Islamic Resource Centre in


of C h a m p i o n s felt confi dent
supporti ng s o m e o n e h avi n g
diffi culties with their mental health
a n d wellbeing after com pleti ng
the training

The South Lo nd on Listens te a m has b e e n supporti ng a n d c h a m p i o n i n g work
taking p l a c e across our partners to address social isolation a n d the digital
divide. South Lo nd on a n d Maudsley NHS Foundati on Trust h a v e d e ve l o p e d
a partnership with Comm unity Tech Aid to rescue, repair a n d re cycle
unused organisati on equipment, helping the loca l south Lon do n community
to g e t online whilst re ducing e-waste. Almost 200 device s h a v e b e e n given
to groups including the Re f u ge e Council, A g e UK, a n d local children's

Best p ra c ti c e also highlighted b y partners includes work in L a m b e th a n d

Bexley to d e ve l o p Digital inclusion toolkits a n d c r e ate local networks to
e n a b l e self assessment a n d provide support.

At the South L on do n Listens Taskforce in July 2022, w e held a best practi ce

sharing session a n d brought in the Neighbourly L ab , C a m p a i g n to End
Loneliness a n d What Works Centre for Wellbeing to present a n e w report
commissioned b y the G L A to explore the unequal distribution of loneliness
across the capital.

We will conti nue to build our Be Well
p r o g r a m m e - l a u n c h i n g hubs across the
12 Boroughs of South L o n d o n to build
com m u ni ty resilience a n d serve as
important centres for listening to
com m u ni ty needs.

As part of this, w e a i m to grow our network

to partner with the voluntary sector to
deliver the p r o g r a m m e a n d build links to
ensure that our hubs c a n support local
initiatives h a p p e n i n g at a Borough level.

In J a n u a r y 2023, w e will b e publishing a

co- p r o d u c e d evaluati on framework
setti ng our s u c ce ss me asures for the
p ro g ra m m e .

PRIORITY 2 What our communiti es a s ke d the


1.Work towards accrediting all

WAGES Mental Health Trusts in South
London as Living W a g e employers
Work a n d mental health are
2.Champion the Living W a g e
inextricably linked. Work is within the health sector more
g o o d for our mental health, widely, including encouraging GP
but b e i n g u n e m p l oy e d , or in surgeries, Integrated Care Boards
(ICBs) a n d hospitals to accredit as
a c h a l l e n g i n g work Living W a g e employers
environment, c a n h a v e a
signifi cant negati ve i m pa ct What our communiti es a s ke d
L o c a l Authorities for:
o n our wellbeing.
3.Accredit as a Living W a g e
Likewise, b e i n g o n low or employer, a n d if you’ve already
don e this as a Living Hours
insecure w a g e s c a u s e s employer
stress a n d anxiety that
c a n undermi ne our 4.Develop a Living W a g e
Places scheme in your borough
mental health.

In partnership with the Living W a g e SOUTH LONDONERS
Foundation, we have been working to RECEIVED
drive an d support uptake of the Real
Living W a g e a n d are delighted with the A PAY RISE
progress m a d e by our South London
Listens partners.

Seven new NHS trusts a n d primary care

organisations have been accredited:
South West London a n d St George’s NHS

Mental Health Trust, Oxleas NHS
Foundation Trust, King’s College Hospital
NHS Foundation Trust, Lewisham and
Greenwich NHS Trust, Croydon Health
Services NHS Trust, Streatham Co m m o n NHS TRUSTS AND
Practice a n d Battersea Fields Practice. PRIMARY CARE
Merton an d Wandsworth Local Authorities ORGANISATIONS
are also accredited.


272 LINE
In February 2022, we launched a pilot of
a community employment support line
for people with mental health problems
in Lambeth, Lewisham a n d Southwark.
Run by South London a n d Maudsley NHS
SUPPORT THROUGH Foundation Trust, The Work Well Advice
Line provides free a n d confidential
advice about employment to anyone
who needs it.

2 4% Since February 2022, 272 people have

received support from the Advice Line,
leading to service referrals and
information provision.
“For a worker that is struggling to m a k e ends meet, e c o n o m i c
stability will a l ways b e a c o n c e r n that puts i m m e n s e pressure o n our
mental health. A Real Living W a g e is a minimum respite that
g uarante es s o m e e c o n o m i c security a n d stability, es peci ally in times
like the present. A step into ti dying our ow n house.”

Maida, C l e a n e r a n d E m p o d e r a n d o Familias Le ade r

Over the last year, we have be en developing a n d implementing our anchor
institutions plans together. We have bee n working with the South East London
a n d South West London ICSs to support wider planning, a n d within South east
London, supported the development of a major initiative to build on our work
with communities to listen a n d take action on issues around the cost of living
crisis a n d ensure more of our resources benefit local people.

We have aligned our work to the NHS London Anchor Strategy a n d C h a n g e

Network a n d connected with South West London's Strengthening
Communities programme.


In response to emerging cost of living crisis, we have developed a new
partnership with the Mo n e y a n d Pensions Service to provide advice to South
London communities.

This includes rolling out the M on e y Helper advice programme across our
partner organisations a n d within new Be Well networks - a n d launching a new
cost of living webinar series. Over 60 people attended our first session 'credit
explained' in November - a n d we will b e announcing more through our

Alongsi de our partners, we will conti nue to promote a n d
c h a m p i o n the Real Living W a g e a m o n g s t peer institutions
across London. We will also support the Integrated C a r e
Systems to deliver o n ne w p l e d g e s to explore the
de ve l o pm ent of Living W a g e systems across south London.

What our communiti es a s ke d
The p a n d e m i c put i mmense
the NHS for:
pressure o n the mental health of
children, y o u n g p e o p l e , parents 1.Improve the interaction
for young people on the
a n d caregivers. Rates of mental
waiting list for C A M H S by
ill-health, which were a l re a d y developing something like a
increasing in y o u n g pe opl e, ‘virtual waiting room’
h a v e b e e n e xa c e r b a t e d a s
2.Support a n d resource
children a n d y o u n g p e o p l e parent groups to offer peer-to-
h a v e struggled with missed peer a n d co-produced mental
educati on, fear a n d anxiety. health support


Navigating the wait or ‘void’, as some of our community members call it, can
b e difficult. We know there has bee n g o o d work do ne on this across Trusts.
Young people, teachers a n d parents all across South London care about this
a n d support the effort – the urgency has only increased.

We brought together mental health trusts with local partners, including schools
a n d teachers, to explore a ‘virtual waiting room’ to improve the ways young
people are communicated with a n d supported whilst they are on the C AMHS
waiting list. Through this work, South West London a n d St George’s NHS Mental
Health Trust now has visible waiting times on its website, helping parents, carers
a n d young people to access them a n d make more informed decisions about
the support they need. South London a n d Maudsley a n d Oxleas NHS
Foundation Trusts have committed to completing this by March 2023.

We are now working with the team from C A M H S Digital Lab a n d the Institute of
Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King's College London to launch a
pilot virtual waiting room using the myHealthE a p p in Spring 2023.

Parents involved in Parents a n d
Communiti es Together (PACT), Parent
Power a n d Empower Parents,
D a d s co m p l ete d
Empoweri ng Communiti es (EPEC) the pilot online
h a v e stepped u p to show what is course
possible when we take co- producti on
of fathers who
They h a v e b e e n integral to the desi g n c o m p l e te d the
a n d leadership of our parent’s course reported
wellbeing projects a s well a s p l ay i n g improvements In
their wellbeing
a role in Be Well Hubs.


In the spring w e l a u n c h e d the Being A D a d Pilot, a 12-month pilot of a parent-
led parenti ng p ro g ra m m e for fathers of children a g e d 2-11 across Lewisham,
Lam beth, Southwark, Bromley a n d Croydon.

A d a p t e d from the successful Em powering Parents, Empowering Communiti es

(EP EC) model, a total of 18 d a d s took part in the eight-w e e k online course
a n d email support offer, which c o m p l e t e d in July. Initial d a t a shows that from
dad's taking part, improvement o u tcom e s (e.g. parenti ng goals, wellbeing
a n d co nc e rn s a b o u t children) are 'over a n d a b o v e the nati onal a n d local
c o m b i n e d norms. A full evaluati on a n d learnings report is b e i n g published on
the SLL website.

"The big ge st thing wa s simply e n g a g i n g a n d sharing experiences

with other dads!"

"When I s i g n e d up, I ex p e c t e d a tonne of a d v i c e a n d strategies.

What I didn’t ex p e c t was the sense of co m mu nit y I go t from a b u n c h
of d a d s w ho ge nuine ly understand."

Being A D a d parti cipants

A highlight this year has b e e n working with PA C T to l a u n c h ‘Mindful M a m a s ’ in
Southwark a n d Lam beth, a c o - p r o d u c e d well-b e i n g p ro g ra m m e for parents
with y o u n g children.

We successfully c o - c r e a t e d a n d delivered three courses in Southwark a n d

L a m b e th this year, supporti ng o n e another in acti viti es like journalling a n d
laughi ng y o g a . M a ny of our Mindful M a m a s h a v e n o w g o n e o n to d o Be Well
C h a m p i o n training too.

16 parents c o m p l e te d the first course in English in April a n d 17 parents from

Lati n A m e r i ca n communiti es joined us in the summer for a course in Spanish
( M a m a s E m p o d e ra d a s) . Max R o a c h In L a m b et h h a v e just finished their first co-
p r o d u c e d wellbeing course, ‘Thriving Mums’. Parents will conti nue to m e e t a n d
support the d e ve lo p m e nt of their s e c o n d course which will b e g i n in February

Results from both courses in Southwark al re ad y show that Mindful M a m a s has

h a d a positi ve i m p a c t o n maternal wellbeing, During interviews parents
expressed the benefi ts they ga i n e d , a n d their self-d e ve l o p m e nt around areas
like: setti ng boundaries, b e i n g a w a r e of their feelings a n d improving
interpersonal skills.


Charts display m e a n well-b e i n g (WEMWBS) scores at baseline (pre-

co urse) a n d follow-u p (post-co urse) for a s a m p l e of mothers (n=13
a n d n=10) w ho c o m p l e t e d pre-a n d post-co urse evaluati o n forms.

The results indicate a signifi cant Improvement in scores between

parti cipants’ scores before the co urse a n d scores after the course
(p<0.001 for cohort 1, p=0.005 for cohort 2).

60 55.80

44.92 52.70


20 25

0 0
M e a n Pre-Score M e a n Post-Score M e a n Pre-Score M e a n Post-Score

Cohort 1 Cohort 2

“There's so m a n y elements of your life where it's dictated b y other

p e o pl e . A n d someti mes y o u feel like y o u don't h a v e a n y a g e n c y.
When s o m e o n e s ays to y o u or values y o u … w e want to b e something
that y o u think is important. So just g i v i ng y o u that v o i c e wa s very
a p p re c i at e d . Yes, it h e l p e d like y o u want to s ee things that y o u are
part of. It’s like when y o u c o o k , y o u a re h a p p y to eat b e c a u s e yo u
k now what y o u put inside, it’s so sweet, a n d you’re excited to eat.”

Mindful M a m a Parti cipant

To increase pe e r support for parents, w e c r e a t e d a n d c o - p r o d u c e d a training
course to upskill parents o n the PA C T model. Our first training course finished
in J u n e with 11 parents, focusing o n relationship-building techniques a n d how
to a c c e s s the mental health system.

We will n o w b e working with several organisati ons in Southwark to roll out

more training for parents w h o h o p e to d e ve l o p their pe e r support a n d run
parent groups.

"Being a part of PACT a n d Volunteering in our co mm unit y has

i mprove d m y mental wellbeing a n d b y joining the upskilling project I
wa s a b l e to share what's wo rked well in our organisati on a n d h o p e it
wo uld help another parents/volunteers to share their pass ion within
the co m mu nity e n a b l i n g them to improve their wellbeing."

Deshni, PAC T parent leader

Alongside the d eve l o p m e nt of our pilots, w e are com m i tt e d to working to
support a n d c h a m p i o n the n e e d for parenti ng p e e r support across south
London. This includes showcasing a n d signposti ng key initiatives, such as
groups run b y local Mind organisati ons a n d exemplar E P E C hubs in south
west London, such as in Sutton.

We a re also delighted that the South East Lo n don has recently m a d e a

signifi cant commitm ent to further investi ng in the E P EC p ro g ra m m e - a n d w e
will b e working with them to ensure our Being A D a d learnings a re built upon
a n d align with wider SLL initiatives, including our Be Well hubs.

We know more support for parents, of children of all a g e s , is
crucia l to the wellbeing of whole communiti es, especially
no w in a ti me of u n p re c e d e nte d fi nancial hardship for so
m a n y families.

We will b e working o n the virtual waiti ng roo m a n d to h av e

visible wait ti mes o n their website, so parents a n d y o u n g
p e o p l e , c a n a c c e s s them a n d m a k e more informed
decisions a b o u t the support they need.

We a re publishing our pilot evaluati on on a n d will b e working with existi ng
commissioners to build o n our pilots to d e v e l o p a n d roll out
more peer to peer a n d co- p r o d u c e d support, working
closely in schools a n d with l o ca l communi t y groups. This
includes sharing our learnings across south Lo nd on through
our Taskforce.

For m a n y p e o p l e in south
What our communiti es a s ke d
London, Covid- 19 h a s brought the NHS a n d l o c a l authorities
o n new mental health for:
c h a l l e n ge s – or m a d e existi ng
1.Invest in Mental Health
c h a l l e n ge s worse. The n e e d to practi ti oners e m b e d d e d in
improve a c c e s s to support a n d community organisati ons, to
appropri ate services h a s never build trust a n d provide
services for refugee, migrant
b e e n greater. a n d diaspora communiti es

This i nc re a s e d n e e d is 2.Work towards

developing a culturally
parti cularly felt b y those who co m p ete nt workforce
a l r e a d y experience
d i s a d va n t a g e in our society, 3.E n c o u r a g e your local
G P surgeries to register as
parti cularly Black, African, ‘Safer Surgeries’
C a r i b b e a n a n d m i xe d heritage
communiti es, a n d migrants,
refugees, a n d d i a s po ra groups.

3 5 180
Comm unity Comm unity G P practi ce s in
Embedded organisati ons h ave South London
Workers recruited a Community si g n e d u p a s a Safe
for our pilot E m b e d d e d Worker Surgery

"I think I've le ar ned a lot of things... [When) I went through m y waiti ng
ti me for m y status to b e granted, I thought I wa s the only o n e who
didn't h a v e the privilege to get It. But listening to other people's
stories a n d listening to what other p e o p l e went through... really
Inspired m e a n d m a ke s m e feel (grateful) I met these p e o p l e a n d
was Invited to listen. Before I couldn't e v e n talk a b o ut m y story...
S o m e o n e h a s g o n e through If not the s a m e thing, something similar.
A n d you're still standing."

Anuwola (Florence) Akinyemi, a mental health support worker who runs a

women's group at the South London Refugee Association

Migrant communiti es expe r i en ce a ra n g e of ch al le n ge s w h e n a c c e s s i n g NHS
services so leaders across South L on don c a m e together to e m b e d mental
health practi ti oners in institutions p e o p l e al re a dy know a n d trust.

Through this, w e f u n d e d a community e m b e d d e d worker to work with

com munity organisati ons to provide life-c h a n g i n g support.

Earlier this year, w e worked with com munity leaders to successfully recruit
three Community E m b e d d e d Workers in Lambeth, Southwark, a n d Lewisham.

The pilot is n o w taking p l a c e in 5 partner organisati ons: Lewisham Re f u g e e &

Migrant Network, South Lo n don Re f u ge e Associati on, Christi an International
P e a c e Service Angell Town, Surrey Square Primary School a n d Spring
Com munity Hub.

Ove r the summer, they started to deliver 1-2-1 a n d g ro up a d v i c e sessions,

supporti ng p e o p l e with referrals to mental health services, a n d deve lop in g
culturally relevant material a n d resources.

In the c o m i n g months, they will b e helping existing staff to provide low-level

support through training so that the benefi ts of the work c a n b e maintained at
a loca l level.

“I h a v e b e e n supporti ng clients b y co m pl e ti n g assessments with them

to s e e where their n e e d s a re best met, helping them to a c c e s s
mental health services.I h a v e also b e e n successful with obtaining a
grant from the M auds ley Charity for a g ro u p focusing o n connecti on,
e mpower ment a n d c o p i n g skills with w o m e n under the Vulnerable
Persons Resett lement Scheme."

Laura Parsons, Community Em be dded Worker for Lewisham

“Genuine listening is h a p p e n i n g a s well a s a n appeti te for creativity,
which I feel is quite different. My ex pe r i e nc e of this role h a s b e e n that
there's b e e n a lot of flexibility a n d a lot of trust built into what the
co mm unit y is wanti ng, what our partner organisati ons might b e
wanti ng, a n d then what I c a n bring to it!"

Theshnee Govender, Community E m be dded Worker for Lambeth

The Safe Surgeries Network, run b y Doctors of the World,
recognises G P practi ces that commi t to taking steps to tackle
the barriers f a c e d b y m a n y migrants in a c c e s s i n g healthcare.

Our ambiti on is for all south L on do n surgeries to b e ‘Safe Surgeries’ so that they
c a n b e inclusive s p a c e s where a n y o n e in the community, regardless of their
b a c k g r o u n d or status, c a n a c c e s s the he a lthca re to which they a re entitled.

So far, Doctors of the World h e l p e d to audit take u p within south L on do n a n d

promote a n d e n c o u r a g e local G P surgeries to register as ‘Safe Surgeries’. We
also partnered with students from King's C o l l e g e L on don to support this work.

We are delighted that signifi cant progress has b e e n m a d e in the number of

Safe Surgeries in south London. However, our ow n audit found that there
remains a signifi cant implementati on g a p . This e c h o e s fi ndings from work
within South West London.

We n e e d to ensure all GPs across south Lon do n a re supported to e m b e d

these guidelines into e ve r yd ay practi ce . Over the c o m i n g year, will b e working
with the our Taskforce to take this forward across boroughs.




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Across South L on d on South West L o n do n South East
L on d o n

At the e n d of our 12-month pilot of the
C o m m u n i t y E m b e d d e d Worker
p r o g ra m m e , we will b e sharing our
fi ndings to support learning, devel opment
a n d expansion.

We h a v e set a collecti ve g o a l to ensure

that b y the e n d of 2023, 90 per cent of G P
surgeries in south L on don a re Safe
Surgeries. We will b e working to d o this
across bo rou g hs a n d supporti ng GPs to
e m b e d these guidelines into e ve r yd ay
practi ce.
O n World Mental Health D a y 2022, we held

our first Accountability Assembly. Bringing
together over 500 p e o p l e from across all
twelve boroughs, we ce l eb rate d the People from South
exciti ng work that south London London Listens
att e nd e d
communiti es h a v e b e e n d o i n g over the
past year.

Community leaders a n d organisati ons took to the stage,

sharing powerful testimonies a n d performances a b o u t the
progress a n d i m p a c t m a d e o n delivering p l e d ge s across
our four priority areas.
People h a d a role
on stage, the vast
They set out the future vision for South L on do n Listens,
majority of whom
asking decision makers to renew their com mitment for
were community
transforming south London’s mental health system through
a conti nue d partnership b e t w e e n local communiti es a n d
the NHS.

“Wonderful testimonies a n d stories a n d powerful role p l ay from English
for Acti on.”

Assembly a u d i e n c e m e m b e r

“I s p o ke briefly at the Accountability Assembly, which is a majo r win for

m e , b e c a u s e I’m ke e n to d e v e l o p m y pub lic s p e a k i n g experience. I’m
a pro ud mental health a d v o c a t e a n d I’m very g l a d to b e identifi ed
with a m o ve m e nt that b e g a n in the co m muni ty which I love so much.”

Alex Enahoro, a Be Well Mental Health C h a m p i o n a n d M e m b e r of St Luke’s Chu rc h,


“ALL THE As a result of our 2022 Accountability
Assembly, NHS a n d L o c a l Authorities
YES-YES-YES m a d e collecti ve commitments to
conti nuing to support the unique
ANSWERS” p r o g r a m m e of work.

For e a c h mental health trust to m e e t with us to discuss
Community the fi ndings of the Comm unity E m b e d d e d Worker pilot
E m b e d d e d Worker a n d take a cti on to build u p o n this m o d e l across the
communiti es you serve.

For e a c h mental health trust to endorse the safe

surgery c a m p a i g n a n d work with us to e n c o u r a g e G P
Safe Surgeries surgeries to acti vely e m b e d the Safe Surgeries

For three south L on do n mental health trusts to conti nue

Lo nd on Living to c h a m p i o n the real living w a g e so other employers in
Wa g e our communiti es follow our l e ad . We also a s ke d for a
com mitme nt from the two South L on do n ICSs to hold a
system recruitment event at least o n c e a year.

For e a c h mental health trust to com mit to having

C A M H S waiti ng times visible. For e a c h mental health
C A M H S Virtual trust to share informati on o n w h e n your virtual CAMH S
Waiti ng Room waiti ng room will b e u p a n d running a n d to ke e p
communiti es e n g a g e d in the process.

For e a c h mental health trust to conti nue to work with

your communiti es to build a n d extend peer-to-peer
Parental Support parent networks as a key part of your preventi on

For e a c h mental health trust to conti nue to listen,

Loneliness a n d support a n d a c t with the Be Well Hubs to bett er
Isolation respond to ch al le n ge s to mental health across south

As this report shows, w e h a v e m a d e In south L on do n w e a re united in our
important progress against com mitme nt to work h a n d - in-h a n d with
commitments m a d e with South our communiti es to help build a better
Lon d on communiti es in J u n e 2021. But future for everyone.
there remains important work to do.
Measuring our success
Over the course of the last year w e
h a v e learnt that b e y o n d the individual We conti nue to measure the
p l e d ge s w e h a v e built something
programme's i m p a ct against its key
e v e n bi g ge r b y working together. Our
strategic aims. Using a 'theory of
com mitme nt to a cti o n a n d creati ng
c h a n ge ' , w e are working with our
lasti ng c h a n g e for our communiti es is
evaluati on partners, a c a d e m i c advisors
stronger than ever.
a n d com munity leaders to Implement a
rigorous a p p r o a c h to evaluati on. We will
We a re pioneering a n e w a p p r o a c h
conti nue to work with community
to partnership, tackling challenges
leaders to s h a p e success measures a n d
through building stronger relationships,
e m b e d parti cipatory methods to collect
sharing power, listening, c o - producing
e v i d e n c e in our projects.
solutions a n d taking a cti o n to overturn
the inequaliti es that have a
Refl ecti on a n d learning a re built In
devastati ng i m p a c t o n mental health.
throughout the p ro g ra m m e to ensure
the work conti nuously improves a n d
New ch al le n ge s are constantly
supports expansion of projects locally. To
emerging. Right now, the cost of living
d o this, In N ove m b e r 2022 w e b e g a n
crisis is hurting many in our holding evaluati on workshops to capture
communiti es. We will b e listening to our learning, share best practi ces a n d
our communiti es o n h ow institutions refi ne our theory of c h a n g e .
like the NHS, local authorities,
universities and businesses can Progress will b e regularly monitored by
support them through these difficult the community through our Taskforce,
times. an advisory b o a rd and at our
Accountability Assembly In 2023. We will
We must build o n a n d fully deliver publish a full evaluati on a n d i m p a c t
against the p l e d ge s set out in our report at the e n d of our two-year acti on
Acti on Plan - including working with pl an In D e c e m b e r 2023.
Trusts, ICSs a n d L o ca l Authorities to
m a ke progress o n furthering our

We would like to thank all our advisors, partners a n d our
funders of this work to-date, which includes NHS Chariti es
Together, the South East L on do n a n d South West London
Integrated C a r e Boards, Ox l e a s NHS Foundati on Trust,
South L on don a n d M a uds l ey NHS Foundati on Trust, a n d
South West Lo nd on a n d St G eorge's NHS Foundati on Trust.
Ranjeet Kaile
Director of Communicati ons, South Lon don a n d Maudsley NHS Foundati on Trust

J a p l a n Kaur
Assistant Director of Involvement, Oxleas NHS Foundati on Trust

Kate K a v a n a g h
Pro gramme L e a d for Healthy Populati ons, Southwark

Hera Lorandos
Co mmun ity Leader

Colett e M e e h a n / Stuart Nichols (Joint Role)

Joint A cti n g Director Integrated Commissioning at SEL C C G & Royal Borough of Greenwich

Dr Cathe rine M b e m a
Director of Public Health at Lewisham Council

Tonia Michaelides
M a n a g i n g Director - Kingston a n d Richmo nd C C G s / South West Lon don Integrated C a r e System

J a m e s Potter
Co mmun ity Leader

A m y Scamme ll
Director of Strategy a n d C o m m e rc ia l Development, South West Lon don & St Ge o rge ’s Mental
Health NHS Trust

Liz Trayhorn
Public Health Principal Mental Health a n d Older Peop l e at Royal Borough of Kingston u p o n

Lucie Vyhnálková
Co mmu ni ty Leader

Martin Wilkinson
Chief Op erati n g Offi cer, Partnership Southwark / South East Lon do n Integrated C a r e System

Peter Brierley
Assistant Director, Citi zens UK

Cllr J a n e t C a m p b e l l
·Cabin et Member for Families, Health & Social C a r e , C ro yd o n Council

Elena Demetri
Co mmu ni ty Leader

Professor Derek Bolton

King's C o l l e ge London
C h i o m a Fa n a w a p o
Co mmu ni ty Leader

Steve L aw re nc e
Commu nit y leader

J e r e my De Souza
Assistant Director (Business Resources) Richmon d a n d Wandsworth Councils

Luljeta Nuzi
Co mmu ni ty Leader

Bimpe Oki
Consultant for Public Health, La mbet h Council

Dr Toby Garrood
Joint Med ical Director, South East Lo nd on Integrated C a r e System

Richard Ellis
Merton Council

Paul Hudson
Public Health Practitioner, Sutton

This d o c u m e n t was p r o d u c e d b y the South
Find out more
Lon d on Listens p ro g ra m m e t e a m a n d
col l e a g u e s from the communicati ons
team's at South L on do n a n d Maudsley NHS
Please c o n t a c t us if you would
Foundati on Trust, South West Lo n don a n d St
like a c o p y of this report in large
George 's NHS Trust, PA C T a n d Citi zens UK.
print, audio, braille or translated
into another l a n g u a g e .

T. 020 3228 2830


Published D e c e m b e r 2022
(version 1.0)

Richard Douglas (Chair, NHS South East London Integrated Care Board) and Andrew Bland ( Chief Executive
Officer, NHS South East London Integrated Care Board) receive thanks from young member of community.

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