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Urban tribes are subcultures of people who share. common interests and tend
to have similar styles of dress, to. behave similarly, and to congregate together

The most common urban tribes in Mexico They are cholos, punks, skatos, chacas,
emos, darks, hipsters, metaleros (rockers) and otakus (loves animes). They are
natural groups of people, usually under 30 years of age, who share musical tastes,
ways of dressing, meeting places, hobbies and ways of thinking in general.
According to sociological studies, urban tribes develop as a symbol of youthful
rebellion. The meeting point with any of these groups is given by the recognition of
the emotions, fears and ideas of the people.
Cholos: People from mestizo origin that want to preserve the main culture and traditions
from their ancesters.

Punks: Relating to or being a style (as of dress or hair) inspired by punk rock, A punk is a
young person who behaves in a rude, aggressive, or violent way
Skatos: Skaters, kids from the skateboarding culture.

Darks or gothics: people who have a tendency to use black color and a melancholic
Hispter: The hipster definition is broad but generally refers to a person who identifies with
counterculture and rebels against all popular culture, including types of fashion, music, art,
and politics.

Metalero: Member of a 1970´s subculture (heavy metal), have a tednency to wear black
and use long hair.
Otakus: In Japan as a word that defines a person who has obsessive interests, and can apply to a
wide variety of topics, including anime, manga, cosplay, collectibles and more.

Emo: a person who is overly sensitive, emotional, and full of angst, or who adopts a certain style
characterized by dyed black hair, tight t-shirts and skinny jeans, etc. a person who is overly
sensitive or emotional.

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