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Hyperemesis gravidarum

What is hyperemesis gravidarum?

Hyperemesis gravidarum is an
uncommon disorder in which
extreme, persistent nausea and
vomiting occur during your
pregnancy. This condition might
lead to dehydration.
What causes hyperemesis gravidarum?
The condition might be caused by
rapidly rising serum levels of
hormones such as HCG (human
chorionic gonadotropin) and
symptoms of hyperemesis
• feeling nearly constant nausea
• loss of appetite
• vomiting more than three or four times per day
• becoming dehydrated
• feeling light-headed or dizzy
• losing more than 10 pounds or 5 percent of your
body weight due to nausea or vomiting
. electrolyte imbalance
. renal failure
(Thiamine deficiency)
. Vitamin K deficiency
Diagnosis of Hyperemesis
• Clinical evaluation (sometimes including serial weight

Urine ketones

Serum electrolytes and renal function tests
Blood Pressure
Oxygen Saturation
Abdominal Examination
Signs of dehydration
Can hyperemesis gravidarum
go away on its own?

Hyperemesis gravidarum will

(usually) only affect you during
your first trimester
Can hyperemesis
gravidarum affect the baby?
HG can make you feel very unwell, but it's
unlikely to harm your baby if treated effectively.
However, if it causes you to lose weight during
pregnancy, there is an increased risk that your
baby may be born smaller than expected (have a
low birthweight).
What are the risk factors for
hyperemesis gravidarum?

• Hyperemesis gravidarum during an

earlier pregnancy
• Having a multiple pregnancy.
• The presence of trophoblastic disease,
which involves the abnormal growth
of cells inside the uterus.
Management of hyperemesis

1. Promoting Fluid & Nutrition balance

• Maintain NPO status to allow GI tract to rest

• Administer antiemetic drugs
• Administer IV fluid like 5% dextrose in lactated ringer
• Administer electrolyte replacement therapy
Management of hyperemesis
2. promoting comfort

• Hygiene measures and oral care

• Pay special attention to the environment making sure
to keep the area free of pungent odors
• As the Client's nausea and vomiting subside, gradually
introduce oral fluid & foods in small amounts
• Monitor intake and output
Management of hyperemesis gravidarum

3. providing support and education

. Offer reassurance that all intervention are directed toward

promoting positive pregnancy outcomes for both women fetus
. Provide information about the expected plan of care
. Listen to here concerns &feeling by answering all here questions
. Teach the client about therapeutic life style changes

The only prevention is to import

effective management to correct
simple vomiting of pregnancy.


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