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Social effects of technology

The form to interact to other person has significantly changed. In the last century, people used to
send letter for person who lives abroad. Nowadays, we use apps like Whatsapp to quick send
messages. However, this new way of communication has produced personal relationships has
reduced significantly because people prefer send a messages instead of talking face to face.
Additionally, it has brought positive things such as people are able to communicate, send pictures,
and videos each time regardless of the distance. These days people choose to be isolate.
Social effects of technology
In the last decades, different kind of technologies have been discovered which have
impacted our lives in a positive and negative form. Nowadays, people are always keep in
touch even though they are not in the same place because there are many apps that allow
us to communicate. However, the technology has influenced in the rate of employment
because some jobs has been replaced by automatic machines. As everything in the world,
nothing is perfect.

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