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Technology gives us the freedom to live a better way and the reality

is that technology has made life easier for us.

Communication is probably the most improved aspect in people’s
lives. With electricity powered laptops, and computers, people
communicate with each other, no matter how far the distance is. As long
as we use mobile phone or the internet we will not have any problem with
long distance communication. By the use of Social media platforms such as
Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, FaceTime, and all
other high-end applications on smartphones have also shown us how
technology has changed the world. We can even access all kinds of
information in seconds, go to many places with the help of different
transformations, make study more effectively, make production faster and
This easy access to information was something people before the age
of the internet couldn’t even imagine. possibility of working and carrying
out our work from anywhere that has an internet connection. learning has
now been made much easier.

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