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No one has any doubt about how much our daily lives have been affected by
technology, there are many areas in which it has had an impact, in a negative or
positive way. It has made our lives easier in certain ways, but, as everything, it has
its drawbacks.

An area which technology has influenced the most is in our communication,

therefore, we used to use a telegraph to communicate, and it was not as effective as
the smartphone nowadays, which has allowed us to communicate with any person,
anytime, and in any place in the world, with the only requirement of a device with a
Wi-Fi connection, helping us to be in touch, for example, with distant relatives, even
with our family, if we went on a trip or we got somewhere else.
On the other hand, it has isolated us in a way, because most of the relationships are
online, and it is very hard for some people to socialize in a face to face situation.

Some people say that technology has also improved the working life, that's half-truth,
though. It has allowed people to work from home, on the good hand, it has lowered
the transport costs, consequently less traffic and less greenhouse gas emissions, but
it also has brought contract irregularities, and make our social abilities not that good,
because we are talking to a screen.

In my opinion technology has been a really useful tool, but we have to handle it
correctly, and not forget about real life and society.

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