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Praising the Only God,

讚美唯一真神 , 榮耀主聖名 ; Glory be your name;

傳揚主福音 , 完成大使命 . Preaching your good news,
主耶穌好牧人 , 尋找失落羊 ; Complete the  mission.
浪子悔改信主 , 得救新生命 . Lord Jesus Good Shepherd,
Looking for lost sheep;
新生命 , 新希望 , 罪得赦免獲自由 ; Prodigal son repents,
十字架 , 救恩 , 舊事已過 , 一切更新 . Saved new life!
信心生活 ,  愛主讚美敬拜 , New life, new hope;
讀經禱告 , 相親相愛 , Sins are forgiven!
Freedom granted!
聖靈引導 , 成為天國新子民 .
Cross, salvation;
Old things has passed!
Everything updated!
Life with faith! Love the lord,
Praise and worship!
Read scripture and pray,
Love each other!
Holy Spirit is guiding!
Become a new citizen of heaven.
讚美唯一真神 , 榮耀主聖名 ;
傳揚主福音 , 完成大使命 . Praising the Only God,
Glory be your name;
主耶穌好牧人 , 尋找失落羊 ; Preaching your good news,
浪子悔改信主 , 得救新生命 . Complete the  mission.
Lord Jesus Good Shepherd,
新生命 , 永生命 , 基督賜我新生命 ; Looking for lost sheep;
聖靈 , 降臨 , 因信稱義 , 神的兒女。 Prodigal son repents,
Saved new life!
屬靈基督精兵 , 全副軍裝 , New life, new external life;
聖靈寶劍 , 穿透魔鬼心 , Christ gives me new life!
足履福音步伐 , 向前邁進 。 Holy spirit, coming!
Justified by faith,
God’s Children!
Christ’s spiritual soldiers!
Fully armed!
Holy Spirit’s sword
penetrates the devil's heart!
The foot-step pace of the gospel
is marching forward!

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