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Artist investigation: Matthias Heiderich examples of his work

Mattias Heiderich info:

Mattias Heiderich is a German photographer who was born in Bad Hersfeld, Germany 1982.
He studied linguistics and phonetic studies and he decided he wanted to persue photography when another
artist called josef schulz inspired him to create images of his own.

His works consists of photographing structures then adds a minimalistic touch to them by adding pastel colours
and tones over them. These colours contrasting with the lines, patterns and compositions work well.

The number of photos that look like this were taken from a ground perspective. He visited in berlin,
Amsterdam, Rotterdam and san Francisco.
Analysing photographers work:
This photograph shows a building taken at an angle so
that it takes up most of the shot. As well as this the
image shows a range of different colours scattered across
the building. These colours are what really makes the
image stand out and is what the viewers eyes are drawn
to when they first look at the image. What I like about
this image is the use of empty space contrasting with the
complex pattern and colours on the building.

In this image we can see the use of leading lines, we see

this on the windows of the building as they all run across
the building.

The lighting has that has been used in the image very
well as the colours are bright and contrast with the sky.

The textures that are shown in the building also add to

the image and show a number of leading lines within the
Mattias Heiderich has used a shallow depth of field in
this image as the sky is out of focus but the building is in

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