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Natsumi Hayashi

Examples of her work:

Natsumi Hayashi is a Tokyo-based photographer who goes by the name of

yowayowa (weakling) camera woman, poking fun at herself that she can barely
carry her own camera. She began publicly documenting her work in 2009,
which began with mundane shots of food and her two cats.

This image shows the artist levitating through what looks like an airport or
train station. The main focus of this image is the artist and the fact she is
levitating is what draws your eye to the image as well as her choice of clothing
being very different to those around her. In my opinion I like this image
because it’s very unique and creative. I also like this image because the lighting
that is used is very effective and works well for example it’s not too dark or too
bright. The body language in this image is interesting because she is levitating
but the surrounding people all seem to be going about their daily lives. To
achieve such levitation the artist would have had to of had a high shutter
speed e.g 1/500 to capture herself mid-air. If the shutter speed was too low
the image would be a blur as the lens is open for longer.

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