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For Junior high school

.English is Joyfull



.For Formal Situation

.For Informal Situation

.Formal greeting Informal Greeting

Greeting Greeting
Hello What’s up?
Good morning It’s good to see you?
How are you? How are things with you?
Nice to meet you How is it going? 

Responses Respones
Hello Pretty Well
Good Morning Good to see you too
I am fine, Thankyou Ok,not bad
Nice to meet you too Well, nothing special

.Here are some exercises that you

can choose to finish.

.01 Draw a picture of your deskmate

or your friend.

.02 Draw a picture of our school.


.Underpainting is a simple technique that can have
a big effect on the overall feel of a painting.

.Dry brushing
.Dry brushing can be an effective way to capture the
texture of the natural world, from clouds to trees
and hedgerows.

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