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Angel Villota Baugbog Beed-1

Need/Importance of Intercultural
 Intercultural communication has become a requirement in the
modern world as the distance have been squeezed and people
travel from one country to another country for various important
 Firstly, international business requires interacting with people of
different cultures.
 Secondly, people go to other countries for their jobs and they have
to live and interact with people there.
 Finally, a great number of tourists visit other countries every year
to enjoy their beauty.
 All the circumstances show that intercultural communication is
very common and is worth studying.
Skills for Intercultural Communication
 Following are some of the skill/tips that can help in enterculturalc\

 It is important to get information about the body language and gestures of

the culture with which communication is take place. Every culture has
unique way performing different activities. Ex: in some cultures people
meet with a handshake, some with an embrace while some cultural values
require to meet formally and less enthusiastically.
 It is advisable to learn some important phrases of the language of the
other culture. A few phrases like “hello”,”thankyou”.”excuse me”,welcome
and many others like this can help a lot in intercultural communication.
Skills for Intercultural Communication
 During intercultural communication missinterpretations are common. If a
statement is ambiguous an easy and wise way is to ask other person to
repeat himself. Asking for repetition is better than to have
 An easy way to learn the cultural behavior of the others is to watch their TV
shows , movies etc; it helps a lot in understanding the norms and values of
a culture.
 While entering into intercultural communication one should be respectful
towards the norms and values of the other culture.
 It can be said that following the above
steps, intercultural communication can
be achieved successfully.

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