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13 March 2023
Your Task is to design the “Drinker-Wine Database”
for a local bar owner
Question 1

◦ Develop a conceptual diagram using the Chen notation for the “Drinker-Wine” database given the
following information requirements.
“Drinkers drink wines on various days in certain quantities. A drinker can drink his or her favourite wine
on those days but can also drink any other wine if the favourite one is not available. Wine quantities are
measured in units. A wine drinker has a unique number, last name, first name, address, gender, phone
number and age. The address of the drinker consists of the house number and location. Age is calculated
from the date of birth. Wines are identified by a unique wine number, name, manufacturer, percentage of
alcohol and price of one unit.”
Question 1 Solution
Question 2
Translate the “Drinker-Wine” conceptual Schema to sets of relational schemas

◦ Relational Schema Solution:

Drinker(DrinkerNum, Fname, LName, Gender, Phone, DOB, HouseNum, Location)

Wine (WineID, WineName, Winery, %Alcohol, Unit Price)

Drinking Session (SessionNum,DrinkerNum, WineID, Date, QTY)

Question 3
a) Create the Drinker-Wine database

b) Create the three tables

DrinkerNum FName LName Gender Phone DOB HouseNum Location
D100 Luke Mauya Male 01234 16/10/71 956 Orange Grove
D110 John Mauya Male 07756 31/10/98 4285 Rujeko
D121 Mary Dube Female 03357 24/06/88 4302 Mzari
WineID WineName Winery %Alcohol Unit Price $
W101 Arinto white wine Douro Valley 12.5 5.00
W225 Ice Wine Wine Folly 13.5 25.00
W202 Bianco white Bonacquisti 12 6.00
W300 Dutchess red wine Dutchess Wine 12.5 6.00
SessionNum DrinkerNum WineID Date QTY
S1001 D100 W101 21 February 2022 5
S2345 D121 W101 11 March 2022 8
S4567 D100 W202 13 March 2022 3
S1010 D110 W101 21 February 2022 10
S2025 D121 W225 14 February 2022 2
Question 4
Use MySQL scripts to perform the following queries
1. Insert into the Wine table the following record (W211, Matamba
white wine, Ngunde Wineries, 10, 7)
2. Modify the address of John Mauya to House number 5305 and
Location in Mzari

3. Delete all wines whose unit price is less than $4.50

4. Retrieve details of all wines

5. Retrieve details of all drinkers from Orange Grove

6. Give a list of all wineries.

7. List WineIds of all wines that were drunk from

13/02/2022 to 14/02/2022
8. List the names of wines and their unit price that start with the letter
“B” or whose unit cost greater than $9.

9. Sort the session table by date in descending order

10. Create a view from the wine table to view only the wine names and
the wineries where the percentage alcohol is greater than 12%

11. What is the total number of drinkers in the database?

12. How many drinkers were there on the 21st of February 2022?

13. Find DrinkerID who consumes most wine

14.Find DrinkerID who consumes the least wine

15. Find the total wine consumed

16. Find the average wine consumed by drinker number D100

17. Count the number of drinkers in each location. List the respective locations
18. List the name of drinkers who drank at least once

19. Who drank wine on 21/02/2022?

20.List the names of drinkers and the wine names that they drank
21. Who drank Ice wine?

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