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Create a

Customer Persona
and Journey
Target Audience
Craft a target audience for your selected business

Target Audience Name: qaisar


My audience wants to be fit and healthy .easily available products


14 to 75
Household Income:
More than 20 thousand
Place image here
Location: depends on

Interest Behaviors

Good body , slim body or fitness ,gym , diet , They can buy anything to achieve that body
organic food , suppliments shape
Map Your Customer’s Journey
Answer the questions below for each phase of the customer journey using the target audience
you developed for your selected business

Awareness When is my target most receptive?

the timing of when your target audience is most receptive to your

online supplement sales will depend on various factors such as age
group, geographic location, lifestyle, and seasonal changes

Interest How can I relate my product to my target’s needs?

you need to understand your target audience's health and wellness goals and concerns. Once you
understand their needs, you can tailor your messaging and marketing strategies to showcase how
your supplement products can help them achieve their goals

Desire How can I show my target my product really fits in their life?

Create relatable content , show real life scenario ,provide

convenience ,offer customization ,provide educational resources

Conversion How can I get my target to take action?

Create compelling offer , use urgency tactics , provide social

proof ,emphasize the benefits ,offer a money back gurantee,provide
personalized recommendations

Advocacy How can I make my target into an advocate?

Provide excellent customer ,encourage feedback ,offer rewards and

incentives ,share user generated content ,build a community
Visuals by Designer, Zihan Yang © 2020 Aptly. All rights reserved.

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