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Living the Law of Love as Global

Hindrances to Loving Others Who Are
Our Global Neighbors

 Stereotypes - are our socially conditioned

images, knowledge, or generalizations of one
social group as seen by others. They can
either be positive or negative. They are the
impressions of one group toward the other.
For example, Filipinos are positively
stereotyped as hospitable, industrious,
having close family ties, religious, warm and
 Prejudice - are negative feelings, attitudes,
and beliefs of one social group towards
another. They usually develop from negative
stereotypes. If stereotypes are on the level of
knowledge, prejudice are expressions of
negative feelings or attitudes.

 Discrimination - is a behavioral pattern in

which the victim is deprived of proper
treatment due to his or her social grouping.
On level of action or behavior, results from
both stereotype and prejudice.
War and Interracial Violence
War is used by one nation over the other to
assert supremacy and power, or to acquire
economic gains. A government may claim
that they won a war because they were able
to exact more damage on life and property
upon the other, or they were able to assert
their claim upon the other nation. In war
however, there are no victors, but only

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