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What is swimming?
• Swimming, in recreation and sports, is the
propulsion of the body through water by
combined arm and leg motions and the natural
flotation of the body.
• Swimming as an exercise is popular as an all-
around body developer and is particularly useful
in therapy and as exercise for physically
handicapped persons.
What is swimming?
• In sports, swimming is an individual or team
racing sport that requires the use of one's entire
body to move through water.
• The sport takes place in pools or open water
(e.g., in a sea or lake). Competitive swimming is
one of the most popular Olympic sports,
• Neck exercises can help you to release tension,
tightness, and stiffness. They can reduce pain and
increase flexibility. A strong neck can help to
prevent neck and cervical spine injuries as well.
• It’s important that you stretch your shoulders regularly
to loosen and strengthen the muscles. Releasing
tension in your body can improve your overall feelings
of wellness, too.
• Bring your left arm across the front of your body at
about chest height.
• Support your left arm with the elbow crease of your
right arm or use your right hand to hold your left arm.
• Stretch out your shoulder and continue to face forward.
• Hold this stretch for 30 seconds
• From a seated position bring your left elbow up to the
side of your head with your hand facing down your
• Use your right hand to draw your left elbow over to the
right as your hand moves further down your spine.
• If it’s comfortable you can bend your right arm and
bring your right hand up to clasp your left hand.
• Hold the pose for 1 minute.
•Hip rotation
• Hip internal rotation is the
twisting movement of your
thigh inward from your hip
• The quadriceps, or quads for short, is
the muscle group in the front of your
thigh. You use these muscles when
you walk, run, or do lunges.
• Due to COVID 19 pandemic, fitness facilities are
closed, pools have shut down and students are
not allowed to go outside for everyone’s safety

• Nothing can accurately replicate actually

swimming laps, but these simple exercises
require only basic gear and are easy ways to
boost strength, explosiveness and stability once
the pool inevitably opens up again.
Plank Hold (30 seconds)
• Get parallel to the ground and rest on your
elbows and forearms (feet and hands should be
about shoulder-width apart). Stay as flat and long
as possible by keeping your glutes and core
engaged. Hold for 30 seconds (and work your way
up to a minute).
Plank Row(10 reps each side/set)
• This is similar to the plank hold in that you're
keeping your back flat with your glues and core
engaged, but instead of resting on your elbows
and forearms, keep your arms straight—like you're
about to do a push-up—with dumbbells in each
hand. Lean to one side and lift the opposite
dumbbell up to your side without twisting. This is
easier said than done, so beginners can start with
their legs bent on their knees. 10 reps each side.
Push-ups (10 reps/set)
• Get into the plank row position and situate your
hands just outside shoulder-distance apart.
Slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself
down until they make a right angle before
"pushing" the ground away from you to return to
start. If you have a medicine ball, try putting the
medicine ball below one of your hands, complete
a push up, and roll the ball to the other hand to
complete a push up.
Flutter Kicks (30 seconds)

• Lay flat on your back with your arms at your side (you
can also put your hands under your glutes to elevate a
bit more) and lift your feet off the ground between
four to six inches. Keep your legs straight, point your
toes and make rapid alternating kicks (like in the
water) for 30 seconds.
Lateral Lunge (10 reps each side/set)
• Stand with your feet about shoulder-width
apart, and step out with your right foot
keeping your toes pointed forward. Keep the
left leg straight as you squat over your right
leg, pause and push through your right leg to
return to standing. Repeat 10 times on the
right before lunging to the left.
Squat Jump (10 reps/set)
• Standing slightly wider than shoulder-width
apart, perform a classic squat (remember to
keep your knees behind your toes) and hold
for a breath before exploding vertically out of
this position (it helps to throw your arms up
overhead as you jump). Land gently, and
return to the squat position to repeat.
Hip Bridge (10 reps/set)
•Lay flat on your back with arms at your
side. Bend your knees, place your feet flat
on the floor and lift your hips until your
body (from your knees to your shoulders)
is in a straight line. Hold for three breaths
and lower down to start.
Russian Twist (10 reps back and forth/set)

• Sit on the ground with your knees bent at a

90-degree angle. Lean slightly back to lift your
feet off the floor, look straight ahead and twist
your torso by interlacing your fingers and
moving your hands back and forth from left to
right. Hold a dumbbell or medicine ball for
additional weight.

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