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Muhammad khoirul rifqi

AGE: 10th

English for young learner


Rifqi is a boy children aged 10 years old. He is a student of elementary

school on 5th class in Demak regency. He was born on December 23,
2011. He loves to playing football.
Rifqi has normal physic like the other kids. He has also trouble staying in the
line. He is an active child. He likes to do outdoor activities like football,
badminton, cycling, etc.
Rifqi can follow the step instruction I gave but sometimes he was too lazy
to do it. If the subject is his favourite subject matter he will do it by himself
with my instruction. But if it comes to the subject that he didn’t like, for
example mathematics he will give up and just want to write the answer
that already counted by me.
Social and emotional
Rifqi get bored easily so he often angry when the study time persist. He
even barely crying when he did the homework with me because he don’t
want to study anymore, he wants play with his friends.

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