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Kanika Sood

Roll No: 920

Course: PGDGC – II Semester
I did my 15 days internship.
With ISHH Guidance and Counselling centre & Autism centre clinic at sector 7 Panchkulla.
They provide Psycological solutions faced in day to day life.
It is specialized in child and adolescent Guidance and Counselling to deal with family life,
adjustment in school etc.
They also have special room for adult individuals and couples which deal with Personality
development,career progression, maritial&pre-maritial counselling, family counselling and
sexual abuse.
They also deal in major behavioural problems such as lack of motivation, faltering
concentration,low confidence,body
imbalance,phobia,complexes,anxiety,depression,anger,failure, stress, autism, dyslexia and
several others.
It was a online internship programme.
I was oriented to various services provided by clinic and introduced to theoretical
concepts as well as practical concepts in Guidance and counselling through role
plays and observations.
We were given an opportunity to observe and conduct counselling sessions under
supervision of the management and to create a Recommended Plan for coping.
Appropriate consent was taken by the institute from the client before our
Introductory session with the client and informant collecting important information
about the subjects behaviour and building the case study.
Rapport building and follow up sessions with the client to understand what derives
maladjusted behaviour, also understanding what likes and dislikes the client has and
observieng bedhaviour in natural setting where possible.
Interpretation: Based on background information as well as observed behaviour
interpreting the causes of such behavior.
Recommending corrective measures.
Name: Ishan Shrivastav
Age: 7 years
Sex: male
DOB: 25TH Feburary 2014
Religion: Hindu
Adress: Sector 7 Panchkulla

Name: Ashish Srivastav
Age : 41 years
Sex : Male
Education Qualification: M.Sc. Software designing.
Occupation: Software enginer in reputed Mnc.
Address:Sector 7 Panchkulla
Name: Pranika Srivastav
Age: 36 years
Sex: Female
Educational qualification science.
Occupation: Currentle Housewife
Address: sector 7 Panchkulla
Informant : Mother

As per the mother the problem started in 2017 when they moved from U.S.A to India.
The childs interest in school and study decreased as he made transition from play
school to nursery.
The teacher and students have difficulty understanding Ishan,s accent which further
accentuated the problem.
In lower K.G the child changed schoolwhere he was better settled (there was no daily
refusal to attend the school).
However the following problems were noticed.
Fluctating intrests in studies.
Always has to be coaxed into doing homework (problem has increased since online
Losses focus specially with online classes.
Anger issues(pushes other children, shouts, cries, gets angry when he does not get
what he wants).
Difficulty in making peers and making friends( accent is the problem , thus
sometimes he loses interest or other times gets teased).
Untidy and Messy( does not pick up his toys and gets colour on himself when
Also messy eater.
Undermine authority of his morther.
Addicted to screen time specially post lockdown in 2020.

Child does not have any significant past history.

Mother has migraine and is often stressed.
No history of Psychological episodes in the family.
No major complaints however is susceptible to seasonal cold and cough which he
gets every year when winter starts.
Necular Family with three members.
Paternal Grandfather only living grandparent lives in a different town and visits
every three months.
However has not bbeen able to visit recently due to lockdown.
Ishan is highly attatched to his grandfather.
C- Section – Birth at full term with no complications
Bt. Wt. – 2.25 KG
All milestones such as neck holding, rolling, crawling, walking etc were achieved
on time
As per the mother his speech was a little delayed, but his vocabulary specially in
English is very good
Playschool – in US where he was highly social , interested and receptive , was a bright
Nursery – Tiny Tots Mohali – though his English vocabulary was very good his overall
work required a lot of assistance and supervision , he was a little disruptive at times.
Ishan started disliking going to school during this time
Lower KG - Ishan is a bright boy but can be very disruptive and has a mind of his own.
He has difficulty in coping with groups and took less interest in written work . He has
problem working in groups and shows impulsive behavior, he often interrupts group
sessions . However his dislike for school has decreased and he looked forward to attending
Upper KG – Because of the pandemic the sessions have gone online and Ishan has
difficulty in sitting and concentrating for long times in online classes. He often lags behind
and requires adult supervision to complete his class work .
Likes - spiderman ,playing with lego , cars , guns , army vehicles , colouring ,
music , watching TV and YouTube videos and playing games on the phone. He
likes foods of his choice(Pancake, French toast, pizza , chicken and burgers )
Dislikes - Writing Hindi or English also reading
Ishan has a very creative imagination
In solitary play often plays with legos, guns and cars for hours , he likes to talk to
himself as well as others . He also likes to show his creations to his grand father
over video call
One on one play - very selective with whom he plays , responsive however can
be stubborn at times which tends to interrupt play. His anger in play is often short
lived, can be bossy at times and collaborative at others
Group Play – As reported by mother , Ishan tends to get disinterested and likes to
boss around. If his desire is not fulfilled tends to walk away and sulk.
He tends to completely focus on people he likes and would rather play one on
one with them
General Mental Ability - As per the counselling session and as per the informant -
Ishan is a bright boy who likes to talk about his areas of interest such as army
vehicles, Minecraft , superheroes etc. . He also has good understanding and
retention of certain concepts taught in his class specially in EVS and general
knowledge , quizzes , also he enjoys simple math’s appropriate for his age. He also
has an extensive English vocabulary with minor mispronunciations.
Following Instructions – he understands simple instructions and selectively
complies to them , this depends upon the rapport he has with the individual asking
him to perform the task , also on his emotional status at that time , if angry he can be
vey stubborn. Ishan has minor behavioural issues which need to be worked upon
specially b taking orders and behaviour with his mother.
Social Skills - Ishan is sociable and does not show hesitancy in meeting and talking to new
people however he is selective as to the persons he further interacts and associates with.
He knew the names of very few classmates and states that at home he has only two close friends.
He does not like people teasing him and new children often find it difficult at first to understand
his English and at some point ignore him.
He tends to befriend people older than him as they understand him but, as he tyends to be bit
bossy they tend to stop playing with him over an extended period.
Ishan is having problems in making friends and retaining them because of behavioural issues
and tendency to be bossy
Activities Of Daily Living – Dependent on parents for certain activities like
bathing and grooming, partialy dependent for some activities like eating ( mostly
independent however at times likes assistance specially when he has other things
to do), dressing (again dresses by self but at times needs assistance in telling back
from front and in buttoning pants.). Independent in Oral Hygiene.
Toileting is partially dependent , sometimes soils clothes, as he is engrossed in
television or play and ignores natures calls. Also needs to be reminded to
Anger Issues – Ishan shows temre tantrums and anger issues specially when
something that he wants does not happen or is not given to him. He tends to shout
and scream, and then tends to shut down interaction, and sulk . He also can be
very stubborn.
In play he tends to get angry if other children don’t listen to him
He also tends to get angry at times when asked to do homework and he does not
want to do it
Screen Addiction – He tends to watch television, OTT or phone for approx. 5-6
hours a day, has specially increased in lockdown.
•Subject is very friendly and social
•He likes to initiate conversation and can be very talkative once he is comfortable with an
individual he likes to involve them in conversation and play
•Very expressive and uses gestures to express himself
•Very active and tends to move within the room, and finds it difficult to sit in one place
( except for when in front of his phone screen , or playing with lego)
•He has fluctuating interest and tends to involve in multiple activities at one time ( eg
multiple toys , television, phone all at the same time)
•Establishes eyecontact but tends to break it , has intermittent eye contact during
conversation as he is easily distracted by other things
•Lastly in solitary play tends to talk to himself and create imaginary pretend scenarios.
• Further psychological testing for Personality & IQ
• Further session with Ishans parents in regards to their roles in the childs progress and behavioural
• Behavioural therapy – positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviour, negative reinforcement
and token economy. Screen time can be taken as a reward .
• Anger Management – coping strategies, further counselling regarding his feeling of anger and reasons
behind it, delayed release (such as counting till 10 , distraction when angry ). Meditation with mother
• Time Management - Scheduling of day and creation of time table.
• Individual Attention at School – teachers can be requested to give individual attention to the child , even
for small periods of time such as 10-20 minutes daily to link him back to school. This would also
improve naturally once school starts physically
• Exploration of alternatives to screen time – such as board games, reading , physical activities such as
dancing , skating etc to increase social interaction and release excessive energy .

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