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The Feeling Body
You know that we express different emotions using our face, but what
is going on inside our body? Here are some examples. Your body
might be different and that’s ok!

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Your Brain
Your brain feels all these emotions in different parts, telling the
different organs what to do.

Intense emotions can leave you feeling stuck like a frozen computer
and this can affect your memory and language.
Your Brain
Ever felt like you couldn’t think or talk
properly when really upset or angry?

Writing things down can give you time to

think about what you are feeling and give
your brain a chance to reboot.
Your Heart

Your heart is the centre of a lot of feelings,

like happiness, excitement and sadness.
Think of a happy memory and notice how
your heart spreads it all around your body.

Becoming aware of your breathing can help to slow

down how fast it is beating if you would like to feel
more peaceful.
Your Lungs
The lungs are linked with sadness. Think of the last time you
cried, did you have some trouble breathing?

Noticing and slowing your breath might help to

soothe you next time you are upset.
Your Stomach
Your stomach is associated with nerves or anxiety, as well as
confidence in yourself. Think of ‘butterflies in your tummy’
before a big performance.

Stretching out this part of your body

by reaching up might help next time
you feel worried.
Your Liver
Anger is associated with your liver. This
one is a bit tricky to feel, it’s kind of
between your lungs and stomach.

As the liver filters our blood, cooling it by

drinking some water might calm you if
you are feeling angry.
Your Kidneys
Your kidneys are linked with fear and action. The adrenal
glands at the top of your kidneys make adrenaline, which helps
us run away when we need to.

This can be good, like in a race, or can just leave

us feeling stressed out! Drinking water can dilute
adrenaline, like cordial, or you can use
adrenaline up through exercise to help balance it
Can You Feel It?
Think of a sad, frustrating or worrying memory.
What is happening for you inside your body?

all the emotions

sadness and joy

anxiety and confidence

fear and action

Changing Feelings
Now, can you adjust your feeling by stretching or changing your
If you feel comfortable, share your experience with a friend.

Let’s go back to our learning objectives.

How do different emotions affect our bodies?

What are some things we can we do to help us with intense emotions?

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