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Made By: Youssouf Toure

Credits: Jawad Khan, Iftakhar Saif

‫ِب ۡس ِم ٱل َّل ِه ٱل َّر ۡح َم ٰـ ِن ٱل َّر ِحيم‬

Taharah & Salah II:
Opening Du’a 1

‫ُس ْبـحا َن َك ال ّل ُهـ َّم َو ِب َح ْمـ ِد َك َو َتبا َر َك ا ْس ُمـ َك َو َتعـالى َجـ ُّد َك َولا ِإل َه‬
‫َغ ْي ُرك‬
How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise
You. Blessed be Your name, and lofty is
Your position and none has the right to be
Opening Du’a 2
‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم َن ِّقنـي ِم ْن‬، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم با ِعـ ْد َبيـني َو َب ْي َن َخطـايا َي َكما با َع ْد َت َب ْي َن ال َم ْش ِر ِق َوال َم ْغ ِر ْب‬
‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ا ْغ ِس ْلنـي ِم ْن َخطايـا َي ِبال َّثلـ ِج َوالمـا ِء‬، ‫َخطايا َي َكمـا ُيـ َن َّقى ال َّثـ ْو ُب ال َأ ْب َي ُض ِم َن ال َّد َن ْس‬
‫َوا ْل َب َر ْد‬
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have
distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me
of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah,
cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice.
Opening Du’a 3

‫ ِإ َّن‬، ‫َو َّجهـ ُت َو ْج ِهـ َي ِل َّلذي َف َط َر ال َّسمـوا ِت َوال َأ ْر َض َحنـي َف ًا َومـا َأنا ِم َنالم ْش ِركين‬
‫ لا َشريـ َك َل ُه َو ِبذل َك‬، ‫ َو َمماتـي لل ِه َر ِّبالعا َلمين‬، ‫ َو َم ْحـيا َي‬، ‫ َو ُن ُسكـي‬، ‫َصلاتـي‬
‫ُأ ِم ْر ُت َو َأنا ِم َن الم ْس ِلـمين‬
I have turned my face sincerely towards He who has brought forth
the heavens and the Earth and I am not of those who associate
(others with Allah). Indeed my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my
death are for Allah, Lord of the worlds, no partner has He, with this
Du’a said in Ruku’ 1

‫ُس ْبـحا َن َر ِّبـ َي ا ْل َعظـيم‬

How perfect my Lord is, The
Du’a said in Ruku’ 2-3

‫ ال ّل ُهـ َّم ا ْغ ِفـ ْر لي‬، ‫ُس ْبـحا َن َك ال ّل ُهـ َّم َر َّبـنا َو ِب َحـ ْم ِدك‬
How perfect You are O Allah, our Lord
and I praise You. O Allah, forgive me.
‫ َر ُّب الملا ِئ َكـ ِة َوالـ ُّروح‬، ‫ُسب ّـو ٌح ُقـ ّْدوس‬
Perfect and Holy, Lord of the angels and the
Du’a said in Ruku’ 4

، ‫ َو َب َصـري‬،‫ َخ َشـ َع َل َك َس ْمـعي‬، ‫ و َل َك َأ ْس َلـ ْمت‬، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم َل َك َر َكـ ْع ُت َو ِب َك آ َمـ ْنت‬
‫ َوما اس َت َقـ َّل ِب ِه َق َدمي‬، ‫ َو َع َصـبي‬، ‫ َو َع ْظمـي‬، ‫َو ُم ِّخـي‬
O Allah, unto You I have bowed, and in You I
have believed, and to You I have submitted.
My hearing, sight, mind, bones, tendons and
what my feet carry are humbled before You.
Du’a said while rising from Ruku’ 1-2

‫َس ِمـ َع الل ُه ِل َمـ ْن َح ِمـ َده‬

May Allah answer he who praises Him.

‫َر َّبنـا َو َل َك ال َح ْمـ ُد َح ْمـد ًا َكثـير ًا َط ِّيـب ًا ُمـبا َرك ًا فيه‬

Our Lord, for You is all praise, an abundant
beautiful blessed praise.
Du’a said while rising from Ruku’ 3

‫ َو ِم ْل َء ما ِش ْئـ َت ِم ْن َشي ٍء َب ْعـ ْد َأهـ َل‬، ‫ َوما َب ْيـ َن ُهمـا‬، ‫ِم ْل َء ال َّسمـوا ِت َو ِم ْل َء ال َأ ْرض‬
‫ ال ّل ُهـ َّم لا ما ِن َع ِلما َأ ْع َطـ ْيت‬. ‫ َو ُك ُّلـنا َل َك َعـب ْد‬، ‫ ََأ َحـ ُّق ما قا َل ال َع ْبـد‬، ‫ال َّثـنا ِء َوال َمجـ ْد‬
‫ َولا َي ْن َفـ ُعذا ال َجـ ِّد ِم ْنـ َك ال َجـد‬، ‫ َولا ُم ْع ِطـ َي ِلما َم َنـ ْعت‬،
The heavens and the Earth and all between them abound with Your
praises, and all that You will abounds with Your praises. O Possessor of
praise and majesty, the truest thing a slave has said (of You) and we are
all Your slaves. O Allah, none can prevent what You have willed to
bestow and none can bestow what You have willed to prevent, and no
Du’a said in Sajda 1

‫ُس ْبـحا َن َر ِّبـ َي ال ْعلـى‬

How perfect my Lord is, The

Most High.
Du’a said in Sajda 2-3
‫ ال ّل ُهـ َّم ا ْغ ِف ْر لي‬، ‫ُس ْبـحا َن َك ال ّل ُهـ َّم َر َّبـنا َو ِب َحـ ْم ِد َك‬
How perfect You are O Allah, our Lord, and I praise You.
O Allah, forgive me.

‫ َر ُّب الملا ِئ َكـ ِة َوالـ ُّروح‬،‫ُسب ّـو ٌح ُقـ ّدوس‬

Perfect and Holy, Lord of the angles and the
Du’a said in Sajda 4

‫ َس َجـ َد َو ْجهـي ل َّلـذي َخ َل َقـ ُه‬، ‫ َوَل َك َأ ْس َلـ ْمت‬، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم َل َك َسـ َج ْد ُت َو ِبـ َك آ َم ْنـت‬
‫ َتبـا َر َك الل ُه َأ ْحسـ ُن الخـا ِلقيـن‬، ‫َو َصـ َّو َر ُه َو َش َّق َس ْمـ َعـ ُه َو َب َصـ َره‬
O Allah, unto You I have prostrated and in You I have
believed, and unto You I have submitted. My face has
prostrated before He Who created it and fashioned it,
and brought forth its faculties of hearing and seeing.
Du’a said in Sajda 5

‫ َوال َع َظ َمـه‬، ‫ وال ِك ْبـ ِرياء‬، ‫ وال َم َلكـوت‬، ‫س ْبـحا َن ذي ا ْل َج َبـروت‬

How perfect He is, The Possessor

of total power, sovereignty,
magnificence and grandeur.
Du’a said in Sajdah 6

‫ َو َأ َّو َلـ ُه َو آ ِخـ َره َو َعلا ِن َّي َتـ ُه َو ِسـ َّره‬، ‫ ِد َّقـ ُه َو ِج َّلـه‬، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ا ْغ ِفـ ْر لي َذ ْنـبي ُك َّلـه‬
O Allah, forgive me all of my sin’s,
the small and great of them, the first
and last of them, and the seen and
Du’a said in Sajdah 7

‫ َو َأعـو ُذ ِب َك‬، ‫ َو ِبمعـافا ِتـ َك ِم ْن ُعقوَبـ ِتك‬، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ِإ ِّنـي َأعـو ُذ ِب ِرضـا َك ِم ْن َس َخ ِطـك‬
‫ َأ ْنـ َت َكمـا َأ ْث َنـ ْي َت َعلـى َن ْفس ِـك‬، ‫ لا ُأ ْحصـي َثنـا ًء َع َلـ ْيك‬، ‫ِم ْنـك‬

O Allah, I take refuge within Your pleasure from

Your displeasure and within Your pardon from
Your punishment, and I take refuge in You from
You. I cannot enumerate Your praise, You are as
Du’a said in Sajdah At-Tilawah 1

‫ َف َت َبا َر َك الل ُه‬،‫ ِب َح ْو ِل ِه َو ُق َّو ِت ِه‬،‫ َو َش َّق َس ْم َع ُه َو َب َص َر ُه‬،‫َس َج َد َو ْج ِه َي ِل َّل ِذي َخ َل َق ُه‬
‫َأح َس ُن ا ْل َخا ِل ِقين‬

My face fell prostrate before He who created it and

brought forth its faculties of hearing and seeing by
His might and power. So Blessed is Allah, the best
Du’a said in Sajdah At-Tilawah 2

‫ َوا ْج َعـلها لي ِع ْنـ َد َك ُذ ْخـر ًا‬، ‫ َو َضـ ْع َع ِّنـي ِبهـا ِو ْزر ًا‬، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ا ْك ُتـ ْب لي ِبهـا ِع ْنـ َد َك َأ ْجـر ًا‬
‫ َو َت َق َّبـلها ِم ِّنـي َكمـا َت َق َّب ْل َتـها ِم ْن َع ْبـ ِد َك داود‬،

O Allah, record for me a reward for this

(prostration), and remove from me a sin. Save it
for me and accept it from me just as You had
Du’a said in between the two Sajdas 1-2

‫ َر ِّب ا ْغ ِفـ ْر لي‬، ‫َر ِّب ا ْغ ِفـ ْر لي‬

My Lord forgive me, My Lord

forgive me.
‫ َوا ْر ُز ْقنـي َوا ْر َف ْعـني‬، ‫ َوعا ِفنـي‬، ‫ َوا ْج ُب ْرنـي‬، ‫ َوا ْه ِدنـي‬، ‫ َوا ْر َح ْمـني‬، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ا ْغ ِفـ ْر لي‬
O Allah, forgive me, have mercy upon me, guide
Dua after Tashahhud 1

‫ َو َما َأ ْن َت َأ ْع َل ُم‬،‫ َو َما َأ ْس َر ْف ُت‬،‫ َو َما َأ ْع َل ْن ُت‬،‫ َو َما َأ ْس َر ْر ُت‬،‫ َو َما َأ َّخ ْر ُت‬،‫ال َّل ُه َّم ا ْغ ِف ْر ِلي َما َق َّد ْم ُت‬
‫ َو َأ ْن َت ا ْل ُم َؤ ِّخ ُر َلا ِإ َل َع ِإ َّلا َأ ْنت‬،‫ِب ِه ِم ِّني َأ ْن َت ا ْل ُم َق ِّد ُم‬

O Allah, forgive me what I have sent before me and what I

have left behind me, what I have concealed and what I have
done openly, what I have done in excess, and what You are better
aware of than I. You are the One Who sends forth and You are
Dua after Tashahhud 2

، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ِإ ِّنـي َظ َلـ ْم ُت َن ْفسـي ُظ ْلمـ ًا َكثـير ًا َولا َي ْغـ ِف ُر ال ُّذنـو َب ِإل ّا َأ ْنت‬
‫ ِإ َّن َك َأ ْن َت ال َغـفو ُر ال َّرحـيم‬،‫َفا ْغـ ِفر لي َم ْغـ ِف َر ًة ِم ْن ِع ْنـ ِدك َوا ْر َح ْمـني‬
O Allah, I have indeed oppressed my soul excessively and none can
forgive sin except You, so forgive me a forgiveness from Yourself
and have mercy upon me. Surely, You are The Most-Forgiving, The
Dua after Tashahhud 3

‫ َو ِمـ ْن ِف ْتـ َن ِة‬،‫ َو ِمـ ْن َعذا ِب َج َهـ َّنم‬،‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ِإ ِّنـي َأعـو ُذ ِب َك ِمـ ْن َعذا ِب ال َقـ ْبر‬
‫ َو ِمـ ْن َشـ ِّر ِف ْتـ َن ِة ال َمسي ِح ال َّد ّجال‬،‫ال َم ْحـيا َوال َممـات‬
O Allah, I take refuge in You from the punishment of the
grave,from the torment of the Fire,from the trials and
tribulations of life and death and from the evil affliction of
Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjal.
Dua after Tashahhud 4

‫ال َّصـ َم ُد ا َّلـذي َلـ ْم َي ِلـ ْد َو َل ْم‬، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ِإ ِّنـي َأ ْس َأ ُلـ َك يا الل ُه ِب َأ َّنـ َك الوا ِحـ ُد ال َأ َحـد‬
‫ َأ ْن َت ْغـ ِف ْر لي ُذنـوبي ِإ َّنـ َك َأ ْنـ َت ال َغفـو ُر ال َّر ِّحـيم‬، ‫ َو َل ْم َيكـ ْن َل ُه ُكـ ُفو ًا َأ َحـد‬،‫يو َل ْد‬

O Allah, I ask You O Allah, as You are The One, The Only, As-
Samad, The One who begets not, nor was He begotten and there
is none like unto Him that You forgive me my sins for verily
You are The Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Dua after Tashahhud 5

‫ ال َأ َحـ ُد ال َّصـ َم ُد‬، ‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ِإ ِّنـي َأ ْس َأ ُلـ َك ِب َأ َّنـي َأ ْشـ َه ُد َأ َّنـ َك أ ْنـ َت الل ُه لا ِإلـ َه ِإل ّا َأ ْنـت‬
‫ َوَل ْم َيكــ ْن َل ُه ُكـ ُفو ًا َأ َحـد‬، ‫ا َّلـذي َلـ ْم َي ِلـ ْد َو َل ْم يو َلـ ْد‬

O Allah, I ask You, as I bear witness that You are Allah,none

has the right to be worshipped except You, The One,AS-
Samad Who begets not nor was He begotten and there is none
Dua after Tashahhud 6

‫ َو َأعو ُذ ِب َك ِم ْن َأ ْن ُأ َر َّد ِإلى َأ ْر َذ ِل‬،‫ َو َأعو ُذ ِب َك ِم َن ال ُجـ ْبن‬،‫ال ّل ُهـ َّم ِإ ِّنـي َأعو ُذ ِب َك ِم َن ال ُب ْخـل‬
‫ َو ََأعو ُذ ِب َك ِم ْن ِف ْت َنـ ِة ال ُّد ْنـيا َو َعـذا ِب ال َقـ ْبر‬،‫الـ ُع ُمر‬

O Allah, I take refuge in You from miserliness and cowardice,I

take refuge in You lest I be returned to the worst of lives, and I
take refuge in You from the trials and tribulations of this life and
the punishment of the grave.
Dua after Tashahhud 7

‫ال ّٰل ُهـ َّم ِإ ِّنـي َأ ْس َأ ُلـ َك ِب َأ َّن َل َك ا ْل َحـ ْم ُد ل َا ِإلـ َه ِإل َّا َأ ْنـ َت َو ْحـ َد َك َلا َشـ ِر ْي َك َلـ َك الـ َم َّنـا ُن َيا َب ِد ْيـ َع‬
‫ َيـا َحـ ُّي َيـا َقـ ُّي ْو ُم ِإ ِّنـ ْي َأ ْس َأ ُلـ َك ال َجـ َّن َة َو َأ ُعـ ْو ُذ‬،‫ال َّس َم َوا ِت َوال َأ ْر ِض َيـا ذا ال َج َلا ِل َوال ِإ ْكـ َرا ِم‬
‫ِبـ َك ِم َن الـ َّنا ِر‬
O Allāh,I ask You all praise belong to You,none has the right to be worshipped except
You,alone,without partner. You are the Benefactor. O Originator of the heavens and the
Earth,O Possessor of majesty and honor, O Ever Living,O Self-Subsisting and Supporter
of all, verily I ask You for Paradise and I take refuge with You from the Fire.

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