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Phonics Test

I Partial
5 Grade
The /n/ sound
Instructions: Write either gn or kn to form a word to
complete each sentence.
1. A low score is a si____ of a good golfer.

2. Some golfers find it helpful to _____eel and look at the

cup before putting.

3. Keep your head down and your ____ees slightly bent

before putting.

4. It probably began on the forei___ shores of Scotland 400

years ago.

5. A golfer may get a ____ot in his stomach.

6. According to the rules, golfers may use as many as 14

clubs, each desi_____ed for different distances and shots.
Sounds of S
Instructions: Decide which sound the s stands for and
write the correct letter.

1. Sailor first-class a. s b. z c. sh d. zh

2. Sure of herself a. s b. z c. sh d. zh

3. a casual acquaintance a. s b. z c. sh d. zh

4. A beautiful sight a. s b. z c. sh d. zh

5. Cross it off a. s b. z c. sh d. zh

6. Too much pressure a. s b. z c. sh d. zh

The /k/ Sound
Instructions: Write the name of the pictures and tell
me what letter makes the K sound.
1. 2.

3. 4.
Sounds of ch
Instructions: Write the ch word from the box that
best completes each sentence.
Match - orchestra - such - chorus - echoed

1. After the last note, their voices ___________ in our ears.

2. The school ___________ sang the national anthem.

3. I’d never seen ________ an unusual tennis tournament.

4. First, an _____________ played on the central court.

5. The tennis _________ we had come to see finally began.

Vowel Pairs
Instructions: Choose the word that completes each
sentence and write it in the chat.
Sounds of c and g
Instructions: Determine whether it is a hard c, soft c,
hard g, or soft g sound..

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