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Vicente Aquilino Marinay

Inductive & Deductive
Teaching Method
Inductive Method
Inductive Method
The inductive method is where the examples
are served first and the learner has the
responsibility to figure the rules out. The
teacher acts as the guide where the learners
are at the very center of the teaching-learning
process. They start figuring out the structure or
the rule from the examples and find the
answers all by themselves.
Deductive Method
The deductive method is a traditional method of
teaching language and/or grammar where rules are
given by the teacher up front followed by
corresponding examples. That learners get the
terminology at first, then move on to understanding
them with reference to the examples served. That
means the learners do not have much to do as the
teacher does it all from dropping the rules, giving
examples and then explaining the rules with
reference to the examples.
Deductive vs. Inductive
In the Deductive Teaching Method, the teacher's role is front and

Role of the
center in class. S/he does all the work here. S/he plans the lessons,
serves the rules and examples in sequence before explaining the
whole thing. S/he would also have to be ready to answer questions
with a view to clearing any doubts there may be. 

Teacher In the Inductive Teaching Method, the teacher's role shifts to that
of a guide. S/he is there to serve the examples and guide the
learners' thoughts into the right direction. As the magic happens
inside the learners' brains, s/he is the silent spectator or rather an
apt conductor leading their thoughts home.
The participation of the learners in the Deductive Teaching
Method is rather limited. They are mostly the silent listeners that
ask a few questions here and there when they do not understand

Participation of portions of the things explained. Listening and taking notes are the
two big responsibilities they shoulder in class. 

Learners In the Inductive Teaching Method, learners are given the center
stage in the hopes of making the learning process more interactive
and effective. The learners are tasked with a treasure hunt to
figure the rules out themselves. It changes the class chemistry and
allows the learners to put in some work so that they feel part of it. 
Staying in the situation of a grammar class, in the Deductive
Teaching scenario, the rules or the structures come first and later

Rules &
followed by an explanation and a few examples to get a clear sense
of it. In a more digestible sense, the solution comes before any
problem ever arises so less scope to agitate the learners’ brains. 

Examples On the contrary, the Inductive Method summons the

resourcefulness of the learners by presenting the examples first
then asking them to figure out the rules or structures from the
examples. Since the examples are provided first, the learners’ are
active and alert as soon as the examples hit the mark. 
The deductive model of teaching is more explanatory than based
on discovery. Teachers have the responsibility of explaining the
rules before the learners can dig into the whole thing. It may be

Discovery & the case that the learners find it hard to retain the focus
throughout the class time. 

Explanatory On the other hand, the inductive one is based firmly on discovery
and figuring things out. Something to do individually or in a group
should spike their interest a fair bit. Teachers can set the treasure
hunt in motion and be the most silent spectator throughout the
The deductive method tends to be less effective since it lacks full
participation on the learners’ part. But it cannot universally be the
case with all types of classrooms. For example, a classroom

How it sticks composed of adult learners who used the deductive method from
the beginning of their learning career may surprise you. 

In mind? In general, learners should find it easier to memorize and

understand things taught in the inductive method. Things tend to
stick well in mind and for longer when taught in this method.
Though it is more time-consuming  in type, the classroom reaps
greater rewards in the long run.
The deductive teaching method is the most effective when used
with learners that are already well adapted to this method of

When is it
teaching for years on end. Since they have always been known to
be involved with deductive teaching, they are most receptive to
this very method. 

effective? When introduced to the fresh set of learners mostly to children

barely starting their education, the inductive method tends to be
the most effective and learners grow up to appreciate and enjoy
the interactive nature of the teaching process.
The Deductive Teaching Method is comparatively less time-

Speed of consuming as the teachers can soar through the checklist of

things they have to discuss in the classroom in the allotted

Learning The Inductive Teaching Method takes far longer in comparison

to the deductive one since the elaborate participation of the

learners is the priority here. It takes time to bring a set of
learners up to speed. 

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