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In the Eyes of

Noli Me Tangere
Module 3
Section 4
In 1882, Rizal left the Philippines to go
to Spain because of a secret mission
attested by a deal between him and his
older brother Paciano Mercado. The
highlight of the deal was that, the young
Rizal would have to observe life overseas
and prepare himself to liberate the Filipino
people from the tyrannical abuse of the
Rizal was able to finish the
manuscript of Noli Me Tangere in 1887.
With the help of some friends in Madrid,
the loan offer of Maximo Viola, and
portions of his allowance sent by his
brother Paciano, Rizal was able to print
2000 copies of the novel in Berlin.
Through the connection and
thriving business of Jose Ma. Basa, Rizal
was able to arrange Hong Kong-Manila
trips for the subersive and anti-friar
pamphlets to reach the hands of the
Filipinos, including the Noli Me Tangere.
According to the reports, the Filipino
travelers served as couriers would hire a
carretela, and the buri sacks where books
were placed, would be loaded to the carretela.
They will pretend to forgot something in the
ship and ask the crew members to walk back
to the ship leaving the buri sacks in the
The cochero would inspect and
find the books will either dispose or
leave them and another arranged
carretela would pick up the sacks to
disseminate them to the Filipinos.
The role of the Noli Me Tangere in the
development of Filipino consciousness can
never be discounted. However, its significance
in the 21st century has greatly diminished
considering that the Philippines is no longer a
colony and has been an independent nation.
Nevertheless, many of the points
raised by Rizal in Noli Me Tangere remain
relevant today especially with the
current threats to Philippines

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