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Madeline Harrington
◦ Seesaw is a free app for teachers/students that helps for
students to be engaged in certain lessons that the teacher
What is ◦ When looking on the website, teachers can discover

Seesaw? different lessons that can be incorporated into their own

lesson plans.
◦ When a lesson plan is selected, students can do all
certain types of activities to help their enrichment.
Closer Look Into Seesaw
Tools offered on
-Students are able to go through
the lesson that their teacher
planned for them very easily,
with step-by-step direction for
what they must complete.
-For example, in this picture, the
lesson has numerous methods of
learning to describe a character.
-They go through their
introduction, and learn what is
expected of them to complete.
How to incorporate this in the
◦For me, I think it would work very well for younger grades because of how interactive the app truly is.
◦Instead of having the students sit and learn a lesson every single day, the teacher could find a plan that
matches up with what the students are learning at that specific time and incorporate it into their
standards for that week.
◦This app is super beneficial because of how much it breaks down a certain topic. For example, in the
lesson I included there was about eight different actives for the student to do, even including a student
reflection at the end.

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