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My favorite sport is basketball

Teacher: Nour Rodica

Nikita Balmus
It is characterized by the finesse, precision and
fantasy of technical and tactical exercises, by
the high waist and special physical qualities of
the athletes.
Basketball is one of the most widespread team
sports in the world
• "The game has ups and downs, but you must
not lose focus on your goals and you must not
give up without fighting.“
• "I can accept failure, we all fail at something at
some point.
• "Dream as if you will live forever Live as if it
were the last day of your life".
• Basketball:
• Now that the basketball player is gonein that
place, let's go back, I say,la burebista - a
kitewho flies more in her name, who
doesn'tthat's my name!
2 personalites:
1: Michael Jordan

2: LeBron James

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