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圣洁和信心 – 圣洁号方舟

Holiness and Faith

第 15 章
What is Holiness ?

Separation from
impurity & evil

Full obedience to the will of God
Obedience to the
Will of God Step of Faith
18 他又向谁起誓说,他们绝对不可以进入他的安息呢? 19 这样看来,他们不能进入安息,
不就是向那些不顺从的人吗? 是因为不信的缘故。
18 And to whom did he swear that they would not enter his 19 So we see that they were unable to
rest, but to those who were disobedient? enter because of unbelief.

希伯来书 Hebrew 3
Heroes and Cowards of Faith
Characters God’s will Faith to Consequence
亚伯 把祭献给神 Yes 神接受他的祭
Abel Offer your produce to God as a sacrifice God accepted his offering
该隐 把祭献给神 No 神拒绝他的祭
Cain Offer your best produce to God as a sacrifice Failed to obtain God’s blessing
诺亚 透过建方舟避开即将来临的审判 Yes 拯救了自己和一家人
Noah To build an ark to escape from God’s Judgement Saved both himself and his family
亚伯拉罕 离开父亲的家,去一个全新的地方 Yes 建立以色列
Abraham To leave his father’s house and go to a new land God makes Abraham into a great nation
以色列民 每 7 年让地休息一年 No 以色列的堕落
People of Let the land have a sabbatical year to rest The fall of Israel
耶罗波 像他爸爸一样跟随神 No 被别国侵略
Jeroboam Follow God like how his father followed Him Giving of Israel to other countries
我们 先寻求祂的国和祂的义 ?? 这一切都要加给你
Us Seek God’s kingdom first All things will be given to us
什么是圣洁? What is Holiness?
 在道德上无可指责
The state of being “Morally Blameless”
 遵行圣经上的道德诫命
Conformity to the moral precepts of the Bible
 效法上帝的品格
Conformity to the character of God
 全盘顺服神的旨意
Obedience to the will of God in whatever God directs
2023/2024 执委改选
2023/2024 年执委提名委办会成员
 牧者  委员
 林耿恩牧师  李锦芳执委
 顾问  陈妙兰姐妹
 陆志盛执事  卓姿伶姐妹
 主席
 江道一执委
12/4 10/7 17/7
• 成立提名委员小组 • 召开中文部特别会员 • 决定下届执委岗位

22/5-5/6 26/6-9/7 23/7

• 发出通知函通知会众 • 通知会众候选人名单 • 执委同工退修会
有 14 天来提名执委 和选举日期,并有
的候选人 14 天来提出反对或

6-18/6 19/6 9 月初
• 联络提名候选人 • 确定候选人名单 • 提交 2023 预算
确定会连任 空缺
主席 - Ivy 昕燃团契 – 惟恩执事跟进

福音部 - 凯恩 宣教部 – 应辉执事跟进

2023/2024 崇拜部 - 道一
教导部 - 志盛执事
服侍部 –
团契部 –

执委改选 信望爱 - 王玲
+1 团契 - 翠莲
儿童 - 泽清

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