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To our TEAM...

CustOmer Ser ice

M nth P r e s e n t e d b y Te a m B r i a n

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S TA R T !

Byran Yap
Ana Mae Team Lead Cyd

Roxanne Maricar Genie Mark Joshua


Daryl Ronie Retchelle

During this pandemic, where are the BPO industry stands? As we all know
that at this time we are the one who helps our economy. Well, all I can say
is that many of us who work in this industry are not lucky as I am, it is
because not all other companies are offering a work from home setup, I
am beyond blessed to be part of 24/7 in touch company because they
always cared about their employees from day one, training up until now I
work at the comfort of our home for our safe, and aside from that I can
still give time to my family, work-life balance. I am so much grateful, loud,
and proud to have this kind of work despite this pandemic to provide for
the needs and wants of my family. –Genie Mark
It is by the grace of God that I am where I am,
working as a Team Leader to the best team ever. It
has been a challenging season indeed with the
pandemic happening for over a year. I lost a loved
one, had family issues and got Covid. I consider this
job as a blessing  and a gift. Despite the
circumstances, I still have this job and it would only
be fair that I give it my best. Providing the best
customer service to our guest is a privilege and a
measurement of how thankful I am to this
opportunity. All Glory to God. -Brian
The pandemic made working remotely a
trend so when I got hired at 24-7 Intouch,
I had a bit of a hard time coping with the
idea of working from home. I felt uneasy
and unconfident. I was scared to know
that I don't have my teammates and TL by
my side. However, I did not nurture those
feelings to ensure I'd still be able to
provide excellent customer service to all
of my guests. Although working in the
BPO industry during the pandemic was
very tough, it made me stronger and more
-Ana Mae
Pandemic has been very challenging for everyone an probably
exhausted from the anxiety of it all. But despite of it I am very
blessed that I was able to find a job like Sonder. Working from
home is very convenient aside from being able to spend more
time with my family, I remain optimistic, focus on what I can
change, accept the changes on what this Covid-19 brings into
our lives. I need to be flexible and compassionate towards my
work to be able to deliver good customer service to the
customers I’m dealing with and to my co workers as well and
because of this pandemic I found a new family and it's Sonder.
There is a process where I have to adjust to working at
home and not having a face-to-face interaction with my
colleagues and supervisor. However, with the power of
technology, doing my work did not compromise the
quality. I’m able to work at my home where I’m
comfortable and I know it’s safe, getting in touch with
my offshore and onshore teammates is just a click or
two. Adding all these up, and with constant
understanding and communication, quality customer
service can be easily delivered.
The Covid pandemic has upended the
daily lives of people around the world. My
life changed gradually from working in the
office to working from home. It was not
easy at first, but I have learned to adapt
with the situation. Working from home
has disadvantages and advantages.
Nonetheless, I'm still grateful that I still
have a job, grateful that I have more time
with my family and discover a lot of new
things with them. 

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