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1. What reasons did Jamie give for refusing to take a taxi?

He said that they didn’t have any allowance anymore and because of that they couldn’t be extravagante any longer

2. As Claudia and Jamie were walking to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, her irritation was adding up. What
did Jamie say that made her calmer?

He flattered her saying that she was brilliant for choosing New York as the place to hide out.

3. When they found a place to sleep, Claudia and Jamie felt that something important happened. In your words,
explain what happened.

At that moment they felt that they became a team, a family of two. The arguments became discussions, not
threats. . Being part of a team had to do with caring and love.

4. What do we know about the Metropolitan Museum so far?

It is very dark in winter at five-thirty. Its ceilings are very high and the corridors are wide. It has a night watchman
that mostly walks around the roof trying to keep people from breaking in.

5. How did Claudia get Jamie to finally give up on hiding in Central Park?

She appointed him treasurer, se he would hold all of the money and keep track of it.

6. What was Jamie’s first decision as treasurer?

That they would walk from the train station to the museum.

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