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Grade 2

PBLO: Reading

Comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate a wide range and level of

complex literary and informational texts.

Performance Indicators

1. I can generate rhymes, segment syllables, and identify and isolate

sounds in words.

2. I can read and comprehend books at grade level.

3. I can show comprehension of fiction stories by retelling the important

parts of a story, drawing conclusions, and making inferences.

4. I can show comprehension of non-fiction texts by discussing main

ideas, details, important facts, and text features.

Reason This is the most high leverage indicator, giving teachers multiple ways
to instruct and assess reading and comprehension.

PBLO: Writing

Produce clear and coherent writing for a range of tasks, purposes, and

Performance Indicators

1. I can write about a topic showing my opinion using a topic sentence,

linking words, 3 supporting details and a conclusion sentence.

2. I can write to teach about an informational topic using a topic sentence,

linking words, 3 supporting details and a conclusion sentence.

3. I can write a narrative with an organized plot, detailed descriptions and

a clear sequence of events.

4. I can listen to others’ ideas to help add details to my writing.

5. I can use writing conventions such as correct letter formation, capital

letters, and punctuation. JC RV LD

Reason Opinion writing is developmentally appropriate for this age group.

Learning appropriate letter formation, capitalization, and punctuation
is very important at this grade level.

June 2019
PBLO: Speaking

Present information, findings, and supporting evidence conveying a

clear and distinct perspective.

Performance Indicators

1. I can use details when I tell about people, places, and things to help
others understand.

2. I can use visuals to help others understand when I am sharing.

3. I can use new words correctly and in different ways, to show I know
what they mean. RV

Reason When students are encouraged to use details in their speech, it will
translate to writing. Focusing on details will improve and grow student

PBLO: Listening

Initiate and participate effectively in a range of discussions, responding

thoughtfully to diverse perspectives and expressing ideas clearly

Performance Indicators

1. I can listen attentively in order to ask clarifying questions and

participate effectively.

Reason This is the transferable skill of communication.

June 2019

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