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Pros and cons
-Victoria Mand ryk 3 rd Chinese 3 rd
Cooperative learning helps
students be able to learn new
concepts and skills together
instead of independently. It
exposes them to different family
cultures, ethnicities, and racial
differences to create fewer lines of
polarization as children grow up.
"El Sistema" is a publicly-funded
music education program in
Venezuela that was founded in
1975. It has gained international
recognition for its efforts to
provide free classical music
training to children and young
people from low-income
backgrounds. As with any
Pro 1
1.Access to Music Education:
"El Sistema" has provided access
to music education for thousands
of children and young people in
Ve n e z u e l a w h o m a y n o t h a v e h a d
the opportunity otherwise. It has
helped to democratize access to
classical music training, which
was traditionally seen as elitist,
and has created opportunities for
talented musicians to develop
their skills and pursue careers in
Pro 2
2. It creates new forms of
individual responsibility.
Instead of working toward an
individualized grade that may not be
cared about, students in groups are
forced to hold themselves
accountable to the group so the best
grade possible can be achieved.
Equal participation becomes
necessary for results to be achieved.
Pro 3 3.Social Impact: "El Sistema" aims
to use music as a means of social
change by providing an alternative to
street life and crime for children and
young people in low-income
communities. It has been credited
with helping to reduce crime rates
and improve social cohesion in some
areas by providing positive outlets for
artistic expression and personal
Pro 4
4.Community Engagement: "El
Sistema" encourages community
involvement and engagement
through its emphasis on ensemble
playing and group performances. It
fosters a sense of belonging and
teamwork among its participants,
helping to build social connections
and create a supportive environment
for learning and growth.
Con 1 1. Unequal participation: In a
collaborative learning environment, some
students may dominate the discussion or
take on more responsibility than others.
This can lead to unequal participation and
frustration among group members.
2. Funding and Sustainability: "El Sistema"
relies heavily on government funding,
which has been subject to fluctuations due
to Venezuela's economic and political
challenges. This has sometimes resulted in
difficulties in maintaining the program's
operations and infrastructure, including
providing adequate resources and support
for its participants.
3.Allegations of Political Influence: There have
been allegations of political influence and control
over "El Sistema," particularly during times of
political instability in Venezuela. Some critics have
raised concerns about the potential for political
manipulation of the program and its activities,
which may impact its autonomy and integrity as an
educational institution.

Conflicts and disagreements: Collaboration can be challenging when

group members have different ideas, values, or personalities. Conflicts
and disagreements can arise, which may hinder the learning process and
create tension within the group.

Time-consuming: Collaborative learning can be time-consuming, as it

requires coordinating schedules, setting goals, and working together to
complete tasks. This can be especially challenging for students who have
other commitments or prefer to work independently.
It's important to note that many of these cons can be mitigated or even turned into pros with
effective group management and communication strategies, such as clearly defined roles and
responsibilities, regular check-ins, and open and respectful communication among group
members. Overall, "El Sistema" has had a significant impact on music education and social
change in Venezuela, but it also faces challenges and criticisms. As with any complex system, it
has both pros and cons that need to be carefully considered and addressed in order to ensure its
continued success and effectiveness in the future.

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