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1. Function of the
2. Non-Mendelian
pattern of
Where do cellular
respiration take
4. Organisms that
no longer exist at
the present time,
but have existed
in the past.
5. What are the
symptoms of
6. When two of these gray offspring are
mated, the probable phenotypic
percentage seen in the offspring would
be? (BW X BW)

where: B=black W=White BW=gray

7. Process wherein
plants make their
own food
8. How is the forest
ecosystem affected when
trees are cut down?
9. How many chambers
does a human heart
10. What type of activity
helps strengthen our
lungs, muscles, and
makes our heart more
11. Suppose that a man with straight hair
marries a woman with curly hair. They
have a child who has curly hair. Which
mode of non-Mendelian inheritance does
this this characteristics of hair display?
12. A farmer is experiencing a problem
in growing his crops. Most of the
leaves of the crops are turning
yellow. Which of the following will
likely result from the yellowing of
the leaves of the crops?
13. What happens to the
pressure in your chest
cavity when you inhale?
• reduced
• increased
14. Why do most people
like to eat fast foods,
rather than eating
healthy foods?
15. Material used in
Muro-ami fishing..
16. What important activity takes place in
the lungs?

a. Food is digested.
b. Trachea is exchanged for the larynx.
c. Liquid waste is filtered from the
17. Human blood types
are an example of
18. Pigment is responsible
for the green color of
19. How can you protect yourself from
contracting COVID-19?

a. Not wearing face mask for better


b. Frequent handwashing and

social distancing.
20. What happens in the diaphragm
when we exhale (breathe out)?

a. The diaphragm relaxes and

moves upwards.
b. The diaphragm contracts and
moves upwards.
21. Cause of Anemia

a. Hemorrhage
b. Lack of red blood cells
22. What would be the genotype
of a pink flower if it follows
the rules for incomplete
dominance, given that
R= red and W= white?
23. If one of your parents is
blood type A and the other
is type B, which of the
following blood types
would you likely be?
24. Process that releases
energy by breaking
down food molecules in
the presence of oxygen..
25. Major cause of
wildlife depletion
How are photosynthesis and cellular
26. respiration related to each other? 
a. The products of one process are
the reactants of the other. 
b. The products of photosynthesis
and cellular respiration are just the
27. Patterned baldness is a sex influenced trait more expressed in
a male. If XbYb is normal allele making non-bald phenotype and
XBXB is mutant leading to bald phenotype, for a cross between
a bald mother and normal father, what is the probability of a
bald son? where:
XBYB =Male bald
XBXB =Female bald
XBYb =Male bald
XBXb =Female nonbald
XbYb =Male nonbald
XbXb =Female nonbald
Main function of the blood in
28. circulatory system:
a. Where the exchange of gases
and nutrients take place. 
b. Carries the gases, nutrients, and
other molecules to and from the
different parts of the body.
29. NOT a cause of deforestation?
a. typhoons
b. kaingin system
c. soil erosion
d. conversion of forests to
agricultural lands
30. Maria wants to compare the process of
photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Which
of the following should Maria use to best
demonstrate the process of photosynthesis and
cellular respiration when compared? process process
How do the respiratory and
circulatory systems work together?

a. They supply the body's cells

with oxygen.
b. They are responsible for the
movement of the body.
32. What type of non-Mendelian
inheritance is shown in the
picture below?
33. equation for cellular
34. The lungs bring ______
into the body, and
eliminates _____ from
the body.
35. Coat color in mice is incompletely
dominant. Yellow (Y) and white (W) -
colored mice are homozygous, while
cream-colored mice are heterozygous
(YW). If two cream-colored mice mate,
what percentage of each phenotype can
we expect of their offspring? YW x YW
36. How may conservation be
a. by using fine nets
b. by using appropriate size
of nets
37. A man heterozygous for blood type
A marries a woman heterozygous
for blood type B. What is the
chance that their first child will
have type O blood? ( IBi x IAi )

Where: IBi=Type B, IAi= Type A

38. Which of the following blood
vessels is responsible in
carrying deoxygenated
blood to the heart?
39. What organ in the
circulatory system is
responsible for pumping the
blood throughout the body
40. What is the
final output of
41. Which of these diseases are
caused by smoking, high
blood pressure, excessive
alcohol intake and diabetes?
A female carrier of the hemophilia (XHXh) marries
42. a male who is not a hemophiliac (XHY). How many
percent of hemophiliac son?
XHXH=normal female
XHXh =female carrier
XHY=male normal
XhXh=female hemophliac
XhY=male hemophiliac
Barbie has an open wound, and
her blood did not clot naturally.
What would happen to Barbie?
46-48. Cinderella is in urgent need of
blood transfusion. Her blood type is
A, while her sister is AB and her
brother is B. Who between her
siblings can donate blood to
Cinderella? Why?
A vegetable farmer wants to
increase his harvest. What
should the farmer consider

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