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The Bombing of

Hiroshima and
By: Eyad Alshihhi
What was the bombing of Hiroshima and
The Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were
nuclear attacks on the Empire of Japan during World War
II (WWII). the United States and the Allies were fighting
against Japan and slowly winning.
Root cause of the bombing
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To stop the plan called
To prevent the war from
Operation Downfall, a
going even longer.
planned attack on the US.

To prevent mass casualties
resulting from the planned
invasion of the Japanese
Reasons not to bomb
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Many people were against The act of bombing
it civilians may be considered
a war crime.

Use of the bombs may not
serve intended purpose,
Japan may still refuse to
"I have always condemned the use of the
atomic bomb against Japan but I could not do
anything at all to prevent that fateful decision,"
—Albert Einstein
Immediate aftermath

In less than one second, the fireball had expanded to 900 feet. The blast
wave shattered windows for a distance of ten miles and was felt as far
away as 37 miles. Over two-thirds of Hiroshima's buildings were
demolished. The hundreds of fires, ignited by the thermal pulse, combined
to produce a firestorm that had incinerated everything within about 4.4
miles of ground zero
Long-term aftermath

Five to six years after the bombings, the incidence of

leukemia increased noticeably among survivors. After
about a decade, survivors began suffering from thyroid,
lung and other cancers at higher-than-normal rates.
Maps of the devastation
The End

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