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Hey, everyone. My name is Matilde and this is

Maria and today, we are going to do an oral
presentation on the song "The Bigger Picture" by
Lil Baby.
This song is an impactful piece that talks about the
topic of racism in society. The song was released in
June 2020 against protests that were happening in
the United States after the death of George Floyd.
Now we are going to see the lyrics of this song
"The Bigger Picture" is a powerful commentary on
the state of the world, specialy the ongoing
problem of racism. Lil Baby uses this song as a
platform to speak up and raise awareness about
the issue of police brutality, systemic racism, and
social injustice. In the song, Lil Baby paints a vivid
picture of what its like to live as a black person in
Throughout the music, Lil Baby is rapping for
people to fight for equality. He goes on to talk
about the pain and fear that comes with living in
a society that is plagued by racism. He talks about
how black people are always on guard, always
looking over their shoulders, and always worried
about what could happen next.
One of the most touching lines in the song comes
towards the end when Lil Baby says, "It's bigger
than black and white, it's a problem with the
whole way of life." This line speaks to the wider
issue of systemic racism and how it affects
everyone, not just black people. Its a call to action
for everyone to take responsibility and work
together to create a more just and equal society.
In addition to the powerful lyrics, the music video that
you have been watching is equally impactful. The video
features scenes from the Black Lives Matter protests
that were happening around the world at the time
when this song release. It shows people from all walks
of life coming together to fight for justice and equality.
Overall, "The Bigger Picture" by Lil Baby is an
important piece of art that sheds light on the
ongoing problem of racism in society. The song is
a call to action for everyone to work together to
create a more just and equal world. Its a reminder
that we all have a role to play in creating positive
change and that its up to us to stand up against
In conclusion, we believe that "The Bigger
Picture" is a song that everyone should listen to,
regardless of race or background. Its a powerful
piece that encourages us to look at the world
around us with open eyes and to take action to
create a better future for all. Thank you for
listening to our presentation.

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