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DCS 1303

DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Database Management Systems

DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Database Management Systems


What is DBMS?
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

 A database management system or DBMS is a software used for
creating and managing the data in the database easily and
 For example: MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SQL, DB2,
Microsoft Access are different types of database management
 DBMS provides an interface to perform various operations like
database creation, storing data, updating data, creating a table in the
database and a lot more.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

 A database system is just a computerized record-keeping system.
 The database is regarded as a kind of repository or container for a
collection of computerized data files, users can perform a variety of
operations, such as:
 Adding new files to the database
 Inserting data into existing files
 Retrieving data from existing files
 Changing data from the existing files
 Deleting data from the files
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Characteristics of DBMS
1) A database management system (DBMS) should be able to store any
kind of data in a database.
2) The Database management system allows more than one users to access
the same database at the same time.
3) Backup and recovery are the two main methods that allow users to
protect their data from damage or loss.
4) It provides multiple views for different users in one organization.
5) It provides users query language, using which they can easily insert,
retrieve, update, and delete the data in a database.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Database Management Systems


DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Structures of DBMS
 DBMS (Database Management System) acts as an interface
between the user and the database.
 The user requests the DBMS to perform various operations (insert,
delete, update and retrieval) on the database.
 The components of DBMS perform these requested operations on
the database and provide necessary data to the users.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS - Structures
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Find out
What is
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DDL is Data Definition Language which is used to define data

For example: create table, alter table are instructions in SQL.

DML is Data Manipulation Language which is used to

manipulate data itself.
For example: insert, update, delete are instructions in SQL.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS - Structures

Applications - Web page (user enters the requests)

End User - Developers, designers, administrator or the actual users
DDL - Create database, schema, tables
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS - Structures

DDL Compiler - Storing the metadata information

DML Compiler - Breakdown request to object code
Query Optimizer - Decides the best way to execute the user request received from the DML
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS - Structures

Stored Data Manager – also known as Database Control System

 Converts the requests received from query optimizer to machine understandable form
 Maintain consistency and integrity
 Controls concurrent access
 Backup and recovery database
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS - Structures

Data Files - Store real data in magnetic tapes, magnetic disks or optical disks.
Compiled DML - Store and reuse similar requests.
Data Dictionary - Description of all the tables, view, materialized views, constraints, indexes,
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Database Management Systems


DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS – Purposes

 Data -> information

 Information -> knowledge
 Knowledge -> the action
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS – Purposes
The purpose of database systems is to manage the following insecurities:
 data redundancy and inconsistency
 difficulty in accessing data
 data isolation
 atomicity of updates
 concurrent access
 security problems
 supports multiple views of data.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Database Management Systems


Features and advantages

DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS – Features
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS – Features
Minimum Duplication and Redundancy
Because there are many users who use the database so chances of data
duplicity are very high. As in database management system, data files
are shared that in turns minimizes data duplication and redundancy. All
the information in database management system occurs only once so
chances of duplicity are very less.

Saves Storage Space and Cost

All the Database management systems have a lot of data to save. But
proper integration of data saves much more space in DBMS.
Companies are paying so much amount of money to store data. If they
have managed data to storing then it will save their cost of storing data
and data entry.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS – Features
Anyone Can Work on It
Users who are not having any technical skills can work on database
management system. The query language provided by DBMS is so easy
to understand. If you want to update, insert, delete and search any
record then it is very easy with the help of queries provided by DBMS.
Any non-programming user can do this without any help of skilled

Multi-user Access
In DBMS, multiple users can access all kind data and information
stored in one data store. There are certain limits that users can access or
view particular data according to the rights given to them. This
increases the security and privacy of data for users because they will
have their own interface to access data.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS – Features
Provides High Level of Security
Security is a very big concern for all the organizations who are handling
a large amount of data. DBMS doesn’t give the full access of database
except DBA or head of the department. They are able to alter the
database and all the users are created by them so security level of
DBMS becomes so high. No other person or user can access the full
database; all of them have restrictions according to their work.
Large Database Maintenance
Large databases of big companies can be maintained only by database
management system. These databases require lots of security and other
feature like backup and recovery. All these features are contained in
DBMS. It can maintain a database with lots of data and information.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS – Advantages
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Explain in detail
The advantages of DBMS
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Database Management Systems


DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

DBMS – Applications
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Railway Reservation System

 In the railway reservation system, the database is required to
store the record or data of ticket bookings, status about
train’s arrival, and departure.
 Also if trains get late, people get to know it through database
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Library Management System

 There are lots of books in the library so it is tough to store
the record of all the books in a register or copy.
 The database management system (DBMS) is used to
maintain all the information related to the name of the book,
issue date, availability of the book and its author.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

 Database management system is used to store the transaction
information of the customer in the database.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Education Sector
 Presently, examinations are conducted online by many
colleges and universities. They manage all examination data
through the database management system (DBMS).
 In spite that student’s registrations details, grades, courses,
fee, attendance, results, all the information is stored in the
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Credit card transactions

 Database Management system is used for purchasing on
credit cards and generation of monthly statements.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Social Media Sites

 We all use of social media websites to connect with friends and
to share our views with the world.
 Daily, millions of peoples sign up for these social media
accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Google plus.
 By the use of the database management system, all the
information of users are stored in the database and we become
able to connect with other people .
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development


 The Database management system is necessary for these

companies to store the call details and monthly post-paid
bills in the database.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development


 The database management system is used for storing

information about sales, holding and purchases of financial
instruments such as stocks and bonds in a database.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Online Shopping
 These days, online shopping has become a big trend. Everyone
wants to shop through online shopping websites (such as
Amazon, Shopee, Lazada) from home.
 All the products are sold and added only with the help of the
database management system (DBMS). Invoice bills, payments,
purchase information all of these are done with the help of
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Human Resource Management

 Big firms or companies have many workers or employees

working under them.
 They store information about employee’s salary, tax, and work
with the help of database management system (DBMS).
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

 Manufacturing companies make different types of products and
sale them on a daily basis.
 In order to keep the information about their products like bills,
purchase of the product, quantity, supply chain management,
database management system (DBMS) is used.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

Airline Reservation System

 This system is the same as the railway reservation system.
 This system also uses a database management system to store
the records of flights departure, arrival, and delay status.
DCS 1303 Database Design and Development

What are other examples

Applications of DBMS ?

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